Ruling Haxorus/Zoroark


Aspiring Trainer
Hello Everyone,

I have some questions about"Foul Play"

1. Let's say my opponent has Haxorus up, and I have Zoroark. I do "Dragon Dance" as my turn, but my opponent retreats the active Haxorus and brings up another Haxorus. Would "Dragon Dance" still be in effect? Or does it go away because the active Haxorus who's attack I copied has now been benched?

2. Does the amount of damage for Swampert's "Hydro Pump" depend on the amount of energies I have on Zoroark? For example, if I have a DCE on Zoroark, and my opponent has 3 water energies on Swampert, if I copy "Hydro Pump", am I doing 130 damage or only 40 for the DCE on me?

3. If my opponent has damage on him and I copy Feraligatr's "Second Strike", I'm I doing 160 damage?
The most important thing to remember with an attack like Foul Play is that you use the copied attack as if it were written on Zoroark.

1. Dragon Dance only affects Pokemon named Haxorus because of the specific language in the attack. Most other attacks that can be copied that have been printed since BW, I believe, use "this Pokemon" instead of specifically limiting it to "this Haxorus." Dragon Dance could be copied, but it would have no effect.

2. Refer to my first point. It counts [W] on Zoroark, so with just a DCE you'd be doing 40 damage.

3. Yep. Again, pretend the attack is written on Zoroark and you have your answer :)
Thank You for answering.

I know this card isn't allowed in play anymore, but let's say for argument's sake I use Ditto's "Transform", would Dragon Dance work then?