I'm having alot of fun with this deck. I haven't seen much discussion of this deck at all, so I want to start with a deck skeleton.
Pokemon : 12
3-1-3 Haxourus
2-2 Dodrio
1 Starter
Trainers : 26
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Rare Candy
8 Draw Supporters
3 Catcher
3 Plus Power
Energy: 12
4 Double Colorless Energy
8 Basic Energy
This leaves 20 open slots for the deck.
The deck's ideal setup is two Haxourus and a Dodrio. You alternate between the two attacking for 120. Haxourus has no weakness, so it's hard to outright counter this strategy. Dragons have to drop a double plus power, and few other cards can OHKO this beast.
From this point, you have to address a few things.
1. Picking a starter - This is a big deal actually. This deck can use any starter you can possibly imagine, because one of the things this deck wants to do is set up at least one dodrio. This gives starters like Dunsparce UL, and Smeargle UD some kind of place, since their retreat cost will go away. Being able to use other starters besides cleffa will reduce the possibility of being donked by Tyrogue (which... I.... Hate....).
2. Thickening the lines. The skeleton has 3-1-3 and 2-2 Haxourus and Dodrio respectively, but.... The least you can get alway with is 4-2-3, 3-3. This allows you to set up two Haxourus and usually two Dodrio. Having two dodrio in play is pretty key, because it can reduce your opponents willingness to catcher-stall, since everything will have zero retreat cost, even the other dodrio. That said. I think I'm going to move to a 4-2-4 just for more consistency.
3. Energy Acceleration. Haxourus is colorless. This means that ANY energy accelerator in modified format can be used. Celebi, Floatzel, Emboar, Typhlosion, Jirachi, Mismagius, Shaymin, Electrikk, Pachirisu, Skarmory... Granted some of these are not ideal, but I'm just throwing the fact out there that it can use any of these, or none. With a DCE, it only takes two energy drops.... but that can be far too slow sometimes.
4. Fliptini. Dodrio and Haxourus have attacks that require coin flips. These are not the attacks you want to use, but neither attack is horrible (especially haxourus') Sometimes in clutch situation, these attacks are necessary. Simply including one fliptini can make these situations more manageable.
5. Trainerlock Techs. Anything that lets you deal with trainer lock. And trust me, this can be anything, again because of the colorless nature of the main attacker. Here I will list as many options as I can think of to deal with Trainer-Lock:
a- Weezing HS/CL: adding a 2-2 line eats Gothitelle alive... not as usefull in other match-ups, but it retreats for free with dodrio, and its first attack poisons, which can help in some matchups, and can also one shot a RDL
b- Darkrai-Cresselia Legend TM: Dropping this at the right time can destroy a Trainerlocking-Reuniclus deck.
c- Black Belt TM: Difficult to use, but its there
d- Roserade: dropping a rainbow on Roserade will mess up a donphan, Gothitelle, or any other active poke in a trainer lock deck, and let Haxourus hit 130 damage.
e- Venomoth TM: Flip a coin- Heads poisons the opponent and lets Haxourus hit 130 damage, If tails you simply retreat out of it.
f- Kingdra UL: Probably too clunky for this deck, but still possible
g- Houndoom UD: burn
h- Magby TM/CL: burn
i- Carnivine TM or Bellsprout TM - Carnivine is your better choice because he gets free retreat with Dodrio and has twice the HP of bellsprout
k- Torkoal UL: burn.... eh, i guess
That's all I can think of really, some make more sense than others.
6. Big Basics. Again, because of the colorless nature of the deck... almost anything can fit here, Thunderous, Landourus, Tornadus, Zekrom, Cobolion, Terrakion?, Virizion, Kyurem. These are useful because it can give you some offensive ability outside of Haxourus. This aspect of your deck would need to match your form of energy acceleration if any.
Okay, so, with all that stated, Here is my 50+ card list.
Pokemon: 23
4-2-3 Haxourus NV
3-3 Dodrio UD
2-2 Venomoth TM
3 Smeargle
1 Virizion
Trainers: 26
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Rare candy
2 Juniper
1 N
2 Superrod
3 Plus Power
3 Catcher
Energy: 11
4 Double Colorless Energy
7 {G}
This list is not final in anyway, but Venomoth helps out against google and Gothitelle
Virizion can save get rid of any annoying Archeops, and is generally a decent starter/early attacker.
Smeargle serves two functions: one, it lets me set up by potentially giving me a second supporter each turn, and is much less a liability because of it gaining free retreat. Additionally, it lets me run fewer draw supporters, because I can use my opponents throughout the course of the game, but especially at the begining.
3 instead of 4 Rare Candy's is an experiment... not sold on it yet.
Another list has me running
-2-2 Venomoth
-1 Virizion
-7 {G}
+2-2 Weezing HS
+6 {P}
+2 Rescue Energy
This list beats gothitelle flat out, but weezing isn't very useful in other matchups
I like this deck, but I just don't know if its going to be any good yet. Let me know what you think.
Pokemon : 12
3-1-3 Haxourus
2-2 Dodrio
1 Starter
Trainers : 26
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Rare Candy
8 Draw Supporters
3 Catcher
3 Plus Power
Energy: 12
4 Double Colorless Energy
8 Basic Energy
This leaves 20 open slots for the deck.
The deck's ideal setup is two Haxourus and a Dodrio. You alternate between the two attacking for 120. Haxourus has no weakness, so it's hard to outright counter this strategy. Dragons have to drop a double plus power, and few other cards can OHKO this beast.
From this point, you have to address a few things.
1. Picking a starter - This is a big deal actually. This deck can use any starter you can possibly imagine, because one of the things this deck wants to do is set up at least one dodrio. This gives starters like Dunsparce UL, and Smeargle UD some kind of place, since their retreat cost will go away. Being able to use other starters besides cleffa will reduce the possibility of being donked by Tyrogue (which... I.... Hate....).
2. Thickening the lines. The skeleton has 3-1-3 and 2-2 Haxourus and Dodrio respectively, but.... The least you can get alway with is 4-2-3, 3-3. This allows you to set up two Haxourus and usually two Dodrio. Having two dodrio in play is pretty key, because it can reduce your opponents willingness to catcher-stall, since everything will have zero retreat cost, even the other dodrio. That said. I think I'm going to move to a 4-2-4 just for more consistency.
3. Energy Acceleration. Haxourus is colorless. This means that ANY energy accelerator in modified format can be used. Celebi, Floatzel, Emboar, Typhlosion, Jirachi, Mismagius, Shaymin, Electrikk, Pachirisu, Skarmory... Granted some of these are not ideal, but I'm just throwing the fact out there that it can use any of these, or none. With a DCE, it only takes two energy drops.... but that can be far too slow sometimes.
4. Fliptini. Dodrio and Haxourus have attacks that require coin flips. These are not the attacks you want to use, but neither attack is horrible (especially haxourus') Sometimes in clutch situation, these attacks are necessary. Simply including one fliptini can make these situations more manageable.
5. Trainerlock Techs. Anything that lets you deal with trainer lock. And trust me, this can be anything, again because of the colorless nature of the main attacker. Here I will list as many options as I can think of to deal with Trainer-Lock:
a- Weezing HS/CL: adding a 2-2 line eats Gothitelle alive... not as usefull in other match-ups, but it retreats for free with dodrio, and its first attack poisons, which can help in some matchups, and can also one shot a RDL
b- Darkrai-Cresselia Legend TM: Dropping this at the right time can destroy a Trainerlocking-Reuniclus deck.
c- Black Belt TM: Difficult to use, but its there
d- Roserade: dropping a rainbow on Roserade will mess up a donphan, Gothitelle, or any other active poke in a trainer lock deck, and let Haxourus hit 130 damage.
e- Venomoth TM: Flip a coin- Heads poisons the opponent and lets Haxourus hit 130 damage, If tails you simply retreat out of it.
f- Kingdra UL: Probably too clunky for this deck, but still possible
g- Houndoom UD: burn
h- Magby TM/CL: burn
i- Carnivine TM or Bellsprout TM - Carnivine is your better choice because he gets free retreat with Dodrio and has twice the HP of bellsprout
k- Torkoal UL: burn.... eh, i guess
That's all I can think of really, some make more sense than others.
6. Big Basics. Again, because of the colorless nature of the deck... almost anything can fit here, Thunderous, Landourus, Tornadus, Zekrom, Cobolion, Terrakion?, Virizion, Kyurem. These are useful because it can give you some offensive ability outside of Haxourus. This aspect of your deck would need to match your form of energy acceleration if any.
Okay, so, with all that stated, Here is my 50+ card list.
Pokemon: 23
4-2-3 Haxourus NV
3-3 Dodrio UD
2-2 Venomoth TM
3 Smeargle
1 Virizion
Trainers: 26
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Rare candy
2 Juniper
1 N
2 Superrod
3 Plus Power
3 Catcher
Energy: 11
4 Double Colorless Energy
7 {G}
This list is not final in anyway, but Venomoth helps out against google and Gothitelle
Virizion can save get rid of any annoying Archeops, and is generally a decent starter/early attacker.
Smeargle serves two functions: one, it lets me set up by potentially giving me a second supporter each turn, and is much less a liability because of it gaining free retreat. Additionally, it lets me run fewer draw supporters, because I can use my opponents throughout the course of the game, but especially at the begining.
3 instead of 4 Rare Candy's is an experiment... not sold on it yet.
Another list has me running
-2-2 Venomoth
-1 Virizion
-7 {G}
+2-2 Weezing HS
+6 {P}
+2 Rescue Energy
This list beats gothitelle flat out, but weezing isn't very useful in other matchups
I like this deck, but I just don't know if its going to be any good yet. Let me know what you think.