Haymaker is probably the oldest deck ever so i decided to remake it with the same exact cards just from newer sets.
4 Hitmonchan COL
4 Electabuzz TR
4 Magmar TR
3-3-3 Vileplume UD
2 Ditto TR
2 Clefairy HS
3 Bill
2 Pokémon Communication
1 Good Rod
2 Pokémon Reversal
1 Proffesor Juniper
3 Elms Training Method
2 PlusPower
4 Rainbow Energy
5 Fighting Energy
5 Lightning Energy
5 Fire Energy
2 Double Colorless Energy
4 Hitmonchan COL
4 Electabuzz TR
4 Magmar TR
3-3-3 Vileplume UD
2 Ditto TR
2 Clefairy HS
3 Bill
2 Pokémon Communication
1 Good Rod
2 Pokémon Reversal
1 Proffesor Juniper
3 Elms Training Method
2 PlusPower
4 Rainbow Energy
5 Fighting Energy
5 Lightning Energy
5 Fire Energy
2 Double Colorless Energy