Wi-Fi Trades HB's Player Thread

Hyper Blaze

Welcome! This is my Player thread (for those of you who are blind)!

Here are my pokes:

Admanant Groudon, Attack and Speed (Knows Fire Punch)
Modest Latios, Sp. Attack and Speed.
Modest Palkia, Sp. Attack, and Speed.
Lax Shiny Gengar, Sp. Attack and Speed.
Adamant Shiny T-tar, Attack and Speed, HP (Knows DD).
Adamant Heracross, Attack and Speed. Ivs: 31/31/31/14/30/31
Adamant Rhyperior, HP and Attack.
Admanant T-tar, HP and Attack.
Shiny Modest Alakazam, Sp. Attack and Speed.
Shiny Bold Blissey, HP, Defence, Sp. Attack
Magnazone, Defense, Sp. Attack Modest (Has HP Ice 69)

Carful Absol
Gentle Dragonair
Calm Lugia
Gentle Wurmple
Lax Genger, EVed
Adamant T-tar, EVed with DD
Lonely Medicham
Modest Alakazam, EVed
Bold Blissey, EVed.
Calm Dialga

Good Nature:
Adamant Giratina (110 EVs in Attack)
Jolly Sneasel, Touched
Adamant Regirock
Impish Registeel
Adamant Golem
Adamant Meditite
Adamant Female Burmy (not sure if its good)
Modest Spiritomb
Adamant Murkrow
Careful Bastiodon, Touched.
Timid Suicune
Calm Shiny Dialga (Good for a Wall)

Other Stuff:
E4 Shaymin
Semi Legit (the event was hacked) Arcues EVed with 156 attack, 100 Sp. Attack, 252 Speed (Its IVs suit this).

Most events
Shinys (mostly Legendary Shinys)
Good IV'd pokes (I don't care which ones xD)
EV'd Pokes (same as above)

Note: I'm open to almost any offer.

Black List:
None, and lets keep it that way

Have fun trading!

All my pokes are legit, or at least they were passed down as Legit, so don't blame me if they're hacked.

P.S. I don't have many events, as soon as I get some, I'll edit them in.
Hi! I really really REALLY want your Shaymin. And if you have any pokemon from my WANTS list in my player thread tell me. But I REALLY want your Shaymin. And also, my HAVES list is not updated, so if you want a certain pokemon, tell me. One last thing. HOW DO YOU GET ALL OF YOUR SHINIES!?!
bubba235 said:
Hi! I really really REALLY want your Shaymin. And if you have any pokemon from my WANTS list in my player thread tell me. But I REALLY want your Shaymin. And also, my HAVES list is not updated, so if you want a certain pokemon, tell me. One last thing. HOW DO YOU GET ALL OF YOUR SHINIES!?!

Trades on PE2K, they have a lot of Shinys. I've heard people go crazy for E4 Shaymin here, I'll check your thread.
What does E4 mean? Is that the glitched japanese one?

EDIT: Also, what does PE2K mean?
bubba235 said:
What does E4 mean? Is that the glitched japanese one?

Yes... I have a Calm Mintine with Mirror Coat Lv. 1 UT. Do you have any EV'd pokemon? Otherwise, I don't like anything you have.
Hyper Blaze said:
bubba235 said:
What does E4 mean? Is that the glitched japanese one?

Yes... I have a Calm Mintine with Mirror Coat Lv. 1 UT. Do you have any EV'd pokemon? Otherwise, I don't like anything you have.
Uhh....no. But you said you liked event pokemon. I have a legit, Japanese OT Mystry Mew, Electivire OT: Poketopia, and Manaphy OT: (? got from Toys' R' Us, though)
bubba235 said:
Hyper Blaze said:
bubba235 said:
What does E4 mean? Is that the glitched japanese one?

Yes... I have a Calm Mintine with Mirror Coat Lv. 1 UT. Do you have any EV'd pokemon? Otherwise, I don't like anything you have.
Uhh....no. But you said you liked event pokemon. I have a legit, Japanese OT Mystry Mew, Electivire OT: Poketopia, and Manaphy OT: (? got from Toys' R' Us, though)

I have PBR, but I'm too lazy to put the code, but I will some day xD Is the Mystery Mew untouched?
Yep! But I will clone it.

EDIT: I believe it is legit. The reason why I thought the japanese one was MYSTRY was because I used to have an ENGLISH untouched MYSTRY Mew and the OT was in red print, not blue.
I just EDITED my last post. And it is untouched because it is still level ten with no EXP points except for the ones that it comes with. If you want to, I will trade it to you and you can check for yourself. And if you don't want it we will just trade back.
kanaju said:
shiny t-tar,ev magnezone,shiny dragoniar,lax shiny ev gengar have shiny palkia


bubba235 said:
I just EDITED my last post. And it is untouched because it is still level ten with no EXP points except for the ones that it comes with. If you want to, I will trade it to you and you can check for yourself. And if you don't want it we will just trade back.

I'll take that for the Mantine, deal?

Edit - Capt. Penguin, what you do have?
WaIt a SeCoNd! I meant it for Shaymin! I wont do that trade. But, I guess you might not know how to clone yet. If you want me to, we could trade and then I would clone your Shaymin and then trade it right back to you for something like a bidoof or something. Deal!?!
bubba235 said:
WaIt a SeCoNd! I meant it for Shaymin! I wont do that trade. But, I guess you might not know how to clone yet. If you want me to, we could trade and then I would clone your Shaymin and then trade it right back to you for something like a bidoof or something. Deal!?!

Shaymin is worth a lot... More than Mystery mew... But who have you cloned for? CP, what shines do you have?