Ruling help a poor little aipom lover..

Typhlosion King

"he hates you, but you're his amigo."
aipom ufs power says you may draw a card. then put aipom at the bottom of your deck.

question: can i shuffle aipom in without drawing?
Of course not. If you use the power, you must draw the card. The word "may" is in there because it's stating that the power is optional.
No. If you can't do the first part, you can't do the second part.
No you won't. In fact, you'll never deck out; if you have no cards, you draw nothing and Aipom goes into your deck. Next turn, draw Aipom, drop him, retreat, power. Repeat forever.
Too bad that doesn't work. The official ruling says you can't shuffle Aipom into your deck without drawing first.

Edit: Ref.

== SNAPPY MOVE (Aipom - EX:Unseen Forces)

Q. Can I use Aipom's "Snappy Move" Poké-POWER if there are no cards left in my deck to draw from? Its text says "you MAY draw a card...", so can I just choose not to draw and then put Aipom on the bottom as the only card in my deck?
A. The Poké-POWER is optional, that's what the "you may" phrase is referring to. If you do not draw a card then you cannot place Aipom into your deck. (Sep 8, 2005 PUI Rules Team)