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[Help for States] Night March


Kingdra Player!

  • 4 Lampent
    4 Pumpkaboo
    4 Joltik
    3 Mew EX
    1 Manectric EX
    1 Jirachi EX
    1 Mr. Mime

  • 4 Battle Compressor
    4 Acro Bike
    4 VS Seeker
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Hard Charm
    1 Head Ringer
    1 Escape Rope
    1 Silver Bangle
    1 Computer Search

    4 Professor Juniper
    2 Lysandre
    1 N

    4 Dimension Valley

  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
    4 Lightning Energy

Strategy is one you've seen hundreds of times, discard Night Marchers for damage, copy Joltik's attack for 1 energy with Mew. Main reason I'm posting on here is because it has seemed really inconsistent as of late and I need to iron out the kinks before Saturday. I'm expecting a lot of Seismitoad and Yveltal decks, so I felt Manectric was a better choice over Empoleon (if I'm wrong here please let me know why). So really, I just need help with consistency and whether to choose Empoleon or Manectric.
Thanks in advance!
-1 N, -1 Silver Bangle(or -1 Hard Charm)

+2 Prof Birch's research

I think that would help consistency.
Draaka said:
-1 N, -1 Silver Bangle(or -1 Hard Charm)

+2 Prof Birch's research

I think that would help consistency.

I disagree. I think his consistency is perfect the way it is, as strange as the might sound. Acro Bikes, Compressor + VS Seeker has a ton of ways mens tons of ways to get the Juniper.
Hard charms are uneccecary, Manectric is un-needed because you can just attack with Joltik. I haven't tried Empoleon yet, but it looks to be very good. If you add Empoleon/ace in the hole, I imagine you would want 4 ultra balls, but I'm not sure.
Manectric and Hard Charm are Seismitoad counters. Manectric just does pretty good damage for two Energy that isn't dependent on what's in your discard pile, since it can be hard to get Nightmarchers in the discard under Item lock. If you can get Hard Charm onto Mew quick enough, and copy Quaking Punch, they're only doing 10 damage to you while you do 30, and they can't play all of their disruption stuff. That's the idea behind those inclusions anyway.
I love hard charm in the deck. You could even use it on your Jirachi EX so it doesn't take 3 Hammer Heads to kill if you don't have Mr. Mime out. Helps against fighting decks and you can stick in on a Pumpkaboo.