Strategy is one you've seen hundreds of times, discard Night Marchers for damage, copy Joltik's attack for 1 energy with Mew. Main reason I'm posting on here is because it has seemed really inconsistent as of late and I need to iron out the kinks before Saturday. I'm expecting a lot of Seismitoad and Yveltal decks, so I felt Manectric was a better choice over Empoleon (if I'm wrong here please let me know why). So really, I just need help with consistency and whether to choose Empoleon or Manectric.
Thanks in advance!
4 Lampent
4 Pumpkaboo
4 Joltik
3 Mew EX
1 Manectric EX
1 Jirachi EX
1 Mr. Mime
4 Battle Compressor
4 Acro Bike
4 VS Seeker
3 Ultra Ball
2 Muscle Band
2 Hard Charm
1 Head Ringer
1 Escape Rope
1 Silver Bangle
1 Computer Search
4 Professor Juniper
2 Lysandre
1 N
4 Dimension Valley
4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Lightning Energy
Strategy is one you've seen hundreds of times, discard Night Marchers for damage, copy Joltik's attack for 1 energy with Mew. Main reason I'm posting on here is because it has seemed really inconsistent as of late and I need to iron out the kinks before Saturday. I'm expecting a lot of Seismitoad and Yveltal decks, so I felt Manectric was a better choice over Empoleon (if I'm wrong here please let me know why). So really, I just need help with consistency and whether to choose Empoleon or Manectric.
Thanks in advance!