Collecting Help Identifying Machamp Card


Aspiring Trainer
Hi guys

I'm new to this but have been collecting pokemon cards for awhile now

I have just recently got my hands on a good condition Machamp only it doesn't have '1st edition' on the left, where most (well as far as I can see, all) of the cards on ebay have that

What does this mean for my card?

Thank you
All* of the English Base Set Machamp cards in circulation are 1st Editions as that was the version that was released in the 2 Player Starter Set. Your print could be the reprint from the Legendary Collection (it would have a little medal symbol to the bottom right of the artwork), or it's a fake. If you can take a photo/scan of the card, we can help you tell for sure.

(* - There is a version of Machamp that is not 1st edition that was included in Trainer Deck A, but there were many other notable differences for cards released in those decks (red borders, text on back, etc.), so it's not really applicable to this situation.)