Help Me Catch Up!


Purple Lightning
Yeah I used to play TCG and I am only late by a few sets actually. I dropped out of TCG back right before HG/SS sets came out and SP decks and GL decks were very popular, example: Infernape 4 and Luxray GL were very popular decks and I remember at the last Nats I was at I was there for VGC and I watched TCG and saw someone get donked by turn 1 Infernape if anyone remembers.

But enough of my long winded speech, can anyone sum up what is new and what I can do to catch up easier plz?
Okay, leaving right before HGSS means you've missed Primes and Legends (HGSS, Unleashed, Undaunted, Triumohant).
Primes are basically a super-rare card with a fancy border that tends to be better than a regular card of that name (eg Magnezone Prime; the card text only says "Magnezone" so it can be played as a regular Magnezone card. It evolves from Magneton still and can Level-Up to Magnezone Lv.X, it's just considered to be pretty good).
Also, Legends are two cards you put together by the long side to make one piece of artwork, which functions as 1 pokémon (eg Ho-Oh Legend, although most Legend cards picture 2 Pokémon, eg Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend). The ones that picture one pokémon give 1 prize card if KO'd, the ones that picture 2 give 2 prize cards (that's what it's been up til now, at least, but it may change). These have special rules, which you can find on bulbapedia for more detail...
The archetypes that are from HGSS are... VileGar, Donphan Prime (Donkphan), Steelix Prime, and I think that's it (unless you want to count Scizor Prime). SP decks are still very powerful (Luxchomp and DialgaChomp, a lot) as well as Gyarados. Nothing really comes to mind in particular right now, but I'm sure others will correct me where I've missed info.
Welcome back! :D
^Jumpluff is still played a little. It uses mostly new cards, like Sunflora. If You left before HGSS, I suppose you don't know of popular new trainers/supporters, like Pokemon collectors & Pokemon communication.
If you go to a League, you should see all these good new staple cards there and will be able to trade for some (mostly Collector/Communications/PONT [Professor Oak's New Theory]/Judge, etc.). There are a bunch of new cards added to previous decks that have come out, like glaceon said.
Usually for a deck, you'll need 2-3 collectors, 2-3 bebe's, 2-4 communications, 2-4 Proffessor Oak's New Theory, And if it's an evolution deck, BTS and/or rare candy.
Alright well thank you for the help. This was very informative. Now I just need to find a nearby league. Anyone have the link to where i can look one up?
you can try the search system to see your region.

Or you can go on and just search. you will find it one day... joke
Thanks for the info for that also. Now I think I only have one more question. What am i supposed to do with my crapload of old cards that aren't playable?
You can trade on PokeBeach. The collectors can be interested in them.
You can still use old energy cards and a few trainers that have been reprinted (potion, switch, warp point, Bill, etc.)