Help Me Create Four Complementary Decks


Aspiring Trainer
Hello there!

For a short time (about half a year) I played Pokémon TCG when Darkrai and Rayquaza EX dominated Standard right after Dragons Exalted was released.

In general I’m a fan of Trading Card Games and I like to have some functional decks in many of them.


So, here is my request:
I’d like to build four decks, which are designed to play mostly against each other. There are some rules to follow:

- The decks must be expanded legal

- No EX, Prime, Break, Lvl X etc. Pokémon (just “normal” ones)

- The same power level for all four decks would be ideal

- If possible, cover as many different Pokémon types as possible with these four decks together

- It’s okay, if the decks are somehow weak/strong against each other, as long as each has a partner on a neutral base (weakness-, resistance-wise)

- Pokémon for me is about evolving, so I’d like to see some Evochains in there, not just strong (legendary) basics


I found some strategies for myself, that would cover my rules, but I’m really interested in your input. It’s hard to find non-meta decks on the internet. (If you have some good sources for that, I’d be happy to have them linked)

Of course I do not demand a perfect quartet from you. Unmated ideas / strategies would be great, too!

One approach I found was the Ninetales (Bright Look – Hexed Flame) and Amoonguss strategy, which fits my conception.

I hope you guys can help me out here!
Greetings and thanks in advance.