Collecting Help Me Get Some Pictures of ETB Covers


I can stop watching Anime any time I don't want to
It seems that this has been going for a while with ETBs and I had no clue until I saw someone open a mega rayquaza ETB. There are miniposters of the packs of a set that has the ETB released with them. Ie the PLS Etb would have PLS pack art on the inside of the cover of it.
If you're wondering exactly what I mean by the cover I mean that bit of cardboard wrapping around the ETB to make it look bigger until you buy it and open it. Here's what I know so far, the sets with the pack art inside of the covers are the PLS, ROS, and AOR ETBS. If you have any of the covers for the other etbs PLEASE POST THEM HERE. I don't care if my room has "limited wall space" I MUST HAVE THE AWESOME POSTERS!
I honestly would have found the info on google except for the fact that the inside of the covers and the dark web are the two things google can't find. FML.