Help Meh


Dojo Leader!
So I used to play the tcg all the time but I stopped and gave my cards away. I have some cards scattered around my house. I could put them together but idk if i'd have a good deck. Ima put em together and tell me if there okay but im also thnking of buying a tin. which one is good?:(
I think the best tin out there is Garchomp C. It's playable, worth something, and good. It comes with (usally) 2 SV packs, 1 RR pack, and a MT/LA pack.
Well before you go buying tins and stuff and rabdom cards, you need to know what you want to play first, this helps make spending alot easier. Put the deck together first, we (the community) tell you want to put in and you go and obtain those cards. Be sure to download redshard to help playtest the deck before you go and buy stuff for it.

If you're going to post a complete 60 card then post it the deck garage (you'll get more help there).

So of the better tins out there are:

Garchomp C lvX tin

That's pretty much the BEST tin to get right now and Garchomp C lvX is a very good card.
Yeah first you need to think what types of cards you want in your deck that you are creating only then will you get an idea of what type of deck to build based on the cards. If I was you I would compile the deck first then I would come here.

As X_empoleon_X said download the Redshark software first and compile your deck and see if it works as you want it to, so you know what to add and get rid of.
JC3 said:
Okay and if I want to. How do you find opponents on redshark?

Well you need to download hamachi (google it) then you can join people's networks and create your own. Once you've downloaded Hamachi it'll give you a IP number which you can give to others or take others IP numbers to either host or join a game on Redshark.