Pokemon HELP: pokemon collectibles


Okay. Story time. There used to be this store in the town I live in but it closed down. When I was 8 or 9 I saw what I remember to be some sort of bust but it was an action bust I guess you can say. I remember one being pikachu and zapdos battling with lightning and whatnot in the background. They were amazing and I always wanted one and never had the money. The store moved far away about 6 years ago, and I doubt they would still have the busts from back then.

I have a feeling they were from Japan because the store sold a lot of imported pokemon cards and toys.

I need help finding these busts. Please.

Hard mode: Help me find any site that sells a lot of imported pokemon items (including ones sold wayyyy back in the day).

Expert mode: Help me find the above AND a site that sells items from pokemoncenter.com since it closed down.

Any help would be much appreciated.
Is this what you're looking for (without the Shinx on it's head)
I could have sworn that there was a pikachu battling it but that is probably it and my mind is just messing with me. Do you have any links? I think there was also a venusaur one, or some grass type pokemon.