BW/BW2 Help with EVs and IVs


I notice that there were no forums that help explained EVs and IVs which are very import when training a good pokemon. Also, I just need some help grasping this conscept myself xD
I need some help understanding the whole EVs and IVs thing.
I get that if you battle a bunch of Patrats, your pokemon's attack stat will go up. If you battle a bunch of leopards your speed stat goes up. Is there any ratio (ex. battled 10 patrats +1 to attack) that will always work. If so what is? Or is it different for each pokemon?
IVs still confuse me a little bit, too. I get that the Natures and Charateristics play into it, but how much?

If anyone could help me out? Would you please.
Thank you for they help. I read it but still don't get:
Do the stats that you don't even put any EVs into naturally go up? Does it depend on the pokemon if it does?
Iv's still confuse me. I only got that nature can increase or decrease you stat by 10%.
Any thing else you could do for me?
A Pokemon's base stat will naturally increase a pokemon's stats without them getting any EVs. That is why Pokemon's stats increase when they level up in the day care. That is also why some pokemon have higher potential stats than others, even if they have the same nature, EVs, and IVs.
^ Thank you so much!!!

Also, the website said that there was a max of 510 EVs a pokemon could have. Is that for everytime you level up or overall?
How do you find out a pokemon's potential in pokemon white, too?
510 EVs is overall.

EVs are values given to a Pokemon when they gain experience, and the EV stat type and amount given depends on the Pokemon defeated when you gain experience.
IVs are hidden numbers in each stat that every Pokemon has, ranging from 0-31. You generally want 31 in each EV unless using Trick Room or trying to get a specific Hidden Power.
ok. thanks. but how do figure out that IV number? And how does find out a pokemon's potential in white???
It never tells you the base stats, EVs, and IVs of your pokemon in the game (with one exception). Lots of sites have the base stats of every species of pokemon, including smogon and bulbapedia. There are certain IV calculators online where you can input a pokemon's level, stats, EVs, and nature and it will calculate the IVs. Keep in mind these calculators will be more accurate the higher a level the Pokemon is, at a lower level there can be multiple possiblities. EVs are tricky because unless you know the pokemon's IVs already you can't find out, so the best way is to keep track. However, there is someone in Opelucif City in a house who will tell you if your pokemon's EVs are maxed out (they'll say something like, "this pokemon has put in a lot of effort).