Help with Fast Flygon please


"Crimson Dance, Yugetsu!"
I hate metagame decks. So, I have one option; Rogue.

I want to give Flygon X another look. Just because it lost claydol, does not mean the deck should be lost. With that in mind, to make it work, I would need to cut back on the pokemon lines and what not.
So I was thinking just straight flygon with a tech or two and nothing more.
(Draw power included)

3-2-3-1 Flygon Lv X
3-1 Uxie Lv X
4 Spiritomb (For set up)

But what else?
What would be a good addition to the deck that doesnt slow it down too much???

Houndoom prime was an idea. It would add damage to Power Swing, AND possible burn damage.

Luxray GL Lv X was another idea as it gives me target selection.

My biggest concern is Garchomp C.
Other then exploud (SV) waht are my other ways around it?
Should i even worry about that?

Edit: I added the link to Flygon LV.X. For future threads, read the stickied thread before posting. ~EspeonROX.

Flygon LV.X from Rising Rivals.
How about donphan and Kingdra? 2-2 donphan and 3-1-3 KIngdra Prime Helps with power swing and can counter some meta decks.
I think straight Flygon just kinda goes to waste. IMO, it doesn't hit hard enough fast enough to work by itself. i really think FlyPhan is the way to go. Also, with the list you have, Power Swing would max out at 80.
Use the Ninetales/Typhlosion draw and energy acceleration engine. Its great for this deck, I like it better than claydol myself.
you could do a dusknoir deck with a 2-1-2-1 of flygon. They kinda work well together as a stadium lock.
Anyone think of VilePlume? Just make it like this

3-3-3-1 Flygon X
4 Tomb
2-2-2 Plume
2-1 uxie

3 Copycat
2 Judge

4 Call

etc etc
Flygon with Vileplume swarm is just brilliant. Try it if you seriously love Flygons.
Why? Do you forget that flygon lost his locking powers? There's better cards to go with Vile.
Slows down the speed of the format, to make it so Flygon can keep up w/ it. It was really just an idea, so I'm not sure if it'll work or not.
I'm in support of Ninetales draw power. I would play with Spiritomb to lock the first turns while evolving Vulpix and Trapinch. With this setup, ERL becomes playable in the deck with just a few electric energies as well, and making Manectric usable as Bench sheilds.
Maybe Flygon/Ninetales/Vileplume then? I think that sounds really interesting and could potentially work, since ninetales is basically the replacement for claydol and vileplume instead of machamp. Just use the same lines as before the rotation (well, actually 4-3-3-1 flygon, 2-2-2 vileplume) because you'll be trainer locked the whole game. But the gengar/vileplume mirror (kinda) would be really interesting, since neither of the decks play many trainers, if any.
I use flyphan and i like it a lot so i say it's the best option to use with flygon.It works perfect against luxchomp, cause you counter garchomp with flygon and counter luxray with donphan and donphan is a pain if your opponent can only attack with luxray cause he has -40 damage.