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help with Roserade lock-type deck


Aspiring Trainer
I'm trying to build a trainer-lock rosey GL deck, basically evolve with tomb, then get rosey GL attacking 10+poison+confuse from rosey UL, so on their turn, 20 damage , no retreat, and confused. They either have to warp energy out, or stay there active, or flip heads to attack. I ran this against my Sablelock deck and it totally killed it, thing is, the deck is slow to kill. You wanna make sure they die on their turn, ie: Uxie 70HP, I hit 10+poison (20), they end turn (30), i hit 10+poison+flashbite (60), they end turn, Uxie KO'd , then it's my turn again to do what i wish. It goes ok, only problem is getting everything timed right, since I can't really poke turn coz of vileplume, and I run out of seekers eventually. also tried Unown Kind, but bench got too full. I know this deck still has 6 slots to go, was wondering if anyone can help me out, suggestions , etc..on how to maybe work this? or am i just wasting my time? :S

54 cards

Pokemon: 24
2-2-2 Vileplume UD
3-3 Roserade UL
4 Spiritomb
3 Roserade GL
1 Uxie
1 Unown Q
1 Unown Return
1 Crobat G
1 Shaymin UL

TSS: 18
4 Seeker
3 Collector
3 Bebe's
2 Cyrus C
1 Judge
1 Palmer's

Energy: 12
7 Grass
4 Rainbow
1 Rescue