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Hexed Flame (Ninetales / Malamar EX)

crobats lair

Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 Vulpix (LT 20)
    4 Ninetales (DR 19)
    2 Victini EX (PS 18)
    2 Tropius (PLB 5)
    2 Malamar EX (PF 58)

  • 4 N
    4 Professor Juniper
    1 Xerosic
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card
    4 Virbank City Gym
    1 Victory Piece
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    3 Silver Bangle
    3 Energy Switch
    3 Ultra Ball
    1 Startling Megaphone
    2 Professor's Letter
    2 Jamming Net
    2 Random Receiver
    2 Escape Rope

  • 1 Darkness Energy
    6 Fire Energy
    2 Grass Energy

so the idea around this deck is to ohko everything . i have seen allot of lists of this deck but i started with the ninetales/amoungus deck, but since amonungus rotated out of the format and we got malamar ex instead .

the 2 bigest problems this deck has is virizion/genesect and seismitoad/garbodor .
so i started thinking what can deal with those decks .

for virizion/genesect i choose victini ex and victory piece
imagine u starting with victini and ur oponent with virizion ur oponent goes first ataches does other thing and ends u get victory piece in hand u atach attack and ko virizion
==> intesified burn 50+50 for ex pokemon x2 for weaknes is 200 damage he needs to set up again and u get time for ninetails malamar to catch the pokemons without gras energy and kill them

for seismitoad/garbodor i choose tropius
just cause the mathematics where in my favor
==> seismitoad with a dce on it torpius energy pres 20+20 per energy on oponents pokemon
energy pres is 60+ 30 silver bangle x2 weaknes seimitoad
Looks fun. I sometimes play a Ninetales/Munna/Lasers deck so I dig it. Since this deck will be heavily laser-dependent, I think you need some Skyla and maybe consider Shadow Triad and/or Dowsing machine to reuse them from the discard pile. Making room for one or more VS Seeker on top of that can give you a crazy string of lasers. Skyla would also help with getting a bangle when you need it. Ninetales doesn't have a ton of HP, so some kind of healing might be nice - even Max Potion since it's a one-energy attacker.