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Hey man, I'm diggin' that crown. (Kingra/Donphan, Seniors, States)


u elkcom hangl man
Get it? Kingphan, King Fan, being a fan of the King, get it?

Stage 2: 3
2 : Kingdra (Prime), UL-85
1 : Kingdra, LA-7
Stage 1: 4
2 : Seadra, LA-70
2 : Donphan (Prime), GS-107
Basic: 12
1 : Azelf, LA-19
2 : Phanpy, CL-66
2 : Mesprit, LA-34
1 : Froslass GL, RR-6
2 : Uxie, LA-43
3 : Horsea, LA-102
1 : Chatot, MD-55

Trainers: 15
3 : Rare Candy, UL-82
3 : Pokemon Communication, GS-98
4 : Poke Drawer +, SF-89
4 : Super Scoop Up, UL-83
1 : Luxury Ball, SF-86
Pokemon Tools: 2
2 : Expert Belt, AR-87
Supporters: 12
2 : Bebe's Search, RR-89
2 : Judge, UL-78
1 : Palmer's Contribution, SV-139
4 : Professor Oak's New Theory, GS-101
3 : Pokemon Collector, GS-97
Stadiums: 2
2 : Broken Time-Space, PL-104

Basic Energy: 10
5 : Fighting Energy, GS-120
5 : Water Energy, GS-117

Strategy is to hit hard and fast with Donphan or Kingdra, based on the deck (e.g. vs. Luxchomp use Donphan vs. Gyarados use Kingdra). Every card in the deck is self-explanatory, get set-up fast. Judge is early and mid-game disruption vs. Gyarados and Luxchomp.


SP: Get Donphan with 3 {F} and belt ASAP. OHKOing everything with Heavy Impact is super neat. Don't rely on Uxie to draw. Try to use Mesprits early game to slow set up. Use Kingdra only after 2 Donphans have been set-up. With a Belted Donphan with Heavy Impact set-up, they're forced to snip around or rely on switches, leaving them open to revenge kills.
Sablock: Pretty much the same as other SP, but I have to be careful of Honchkrow. The hand control is kinda hard to get around, so spam PONT as much as possible.
Gyarados: Worst match-up. Make liberal use of Mesprit and Froslass early game. The key to the match-up is just slowing the set-up. Don't use Donphan. Ever. Only Kingdras, belted so that they can hit Gyarados for a lot. Really tough, but can be beaten.
VileGar: Just try to set-up. Keep the hand refreshed with Uxie and PONT, and try to avoid keeping too many Trainers in the hand. Another tough match-up, but it can be played around. Spam Froslass to hopefully get Vileplumes out of the way quickly.
LostGar: Untested. Adding a teched fossil is a possibility.
Hey man, I'm diggin' that title.
-2 Copycat
-1 Candy

+3 TM TS-2

Iunno man. Looks pree solid.

Can't wait to beat it out of top 2 play it at States.
Bebe's Search is all around bad in speed decks, trust me, I'd test these changes.
-3 Bebe's Search
-1 Copycat (One will be fine with your Judge and PONT count)
+4 Super Scoop Up, VERY VERY key with T1 Uxies, picking up Kingdra is crucial against the G-Dos match up, you could also try Reversals, for Regice.
-1 Chatot
+1 Mesprit, early game power lock is very good against the G-Dos matchup.
Will definitely test, but IMO I'll need at least 1 Bebe's. Otherwise, I will probably not get late game Kingdras or Donphans against any Trainer lock.
-2 Judge
-1 Copycat
-2 Chatot MD
+2 Broken Time Space
+3 Cyrus' Conspiracy

Cyrus' will give you set up and the energy you have no other way of searching out, and you need 4 Broken Time Space to make sure you get one early on.
I'd switch out 2 PONT for 2 Seeker, and something else for some Switch. That way your Donphan wouldn't be KOed as easily and you could also use Spray Splash on a Kingdra multiple times per turn without having to rely on SSU.
@munkulys: I'm not really relying on srating with it, but if I do it's great. It can also be used for late-game draw against Sp and Gyara. I see your point though.
@tybike: What?
@ESP: Mos' defs a possibility.
Just out of interest, would it be viable to add in a small line of Machamp prime ? like maybe 2-2-2 ?

Or even a smaller line, incase donk fails you should have already done some bench damage with donphan prime, then you can switch out with fighting tag, bring champ prime out and attack for more damage :D

Or would this just be a waste of deck space ?
There is a deck for that. It's called Donphan Machamp. This deck's principle is basically to either swarm Kingdra Prime or Donphan Prime depending on you opponent's deck. Machamp Prime has a completely different playstyle.
I'd add another 1-1 line of Donphan Prime for MagneGatr. Lost Burn goes through a Donphan a turn, and I've found that 2 simply isn't enough, especially with the chance of 1 being prized.