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HG:SS on: Speed RDL/Reshiram


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 25
2-2-2 Emboar
3 Reshiram
3-3 Ninetales CoL
2-2 Rayquaza/Deoxys Legend
1 Shuckle promo
4 Smeargle Holo
1 Unown (return)

T/S/S: 16
2 Prof. Elm's Training Method.
4 Pokemon Collectors
2 Fisherman
1 Energy Retrieval
2 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon communication
1 Seeker

10 Fire
4 Rescue
4 Rainbow
1 Electric

The aim of this deck is to set up Rayquaza Deoxys legend as fast as humanly possible. The way to do that is to spend the first turn(s) setting up 2-3 ninetales and drawing the F out of your deck until you get him; using Rescue energy to get him out of the discard, Emboar to power him up, and just to attack for 2 prizes. Reshiram is there as a main attacker for early game, hopefully taking 2 prizes (then only needing 2 attacks from RDL) .

Smeargle there as a generic starter. Shuckle there to drop tons of energy on, then to seeker it back up. Seeker can also be substituted for unown (return) to do the same thing; except not a supporter so you can do it multiple times per turn.

Rayquaza/Deoxys needs 2 fire, 1 lighting and a colorless to attack. For this reason i've put in 4 rescue (colorless), 10 fire and 4 rainbow (electric or colorless). In most cases, this 10 damage won't kill him as he will normally be 2hko'd anyway. There are no real big psychic attackers in the game except for gengar, but the deck only runs a small number of trainers.

Id remove the smeargles for another starter maybe cleffa or Stantler or whatever else you can think of. With all that draw power you have going on portraiting into a judge/copycat/Juniper on a good hand could end the game right there.
With 4 collector I don't need stantler, and Cleffa will make me shuffle my hand into my deck. What should I run as a starter, then?
Thats the tough part im not sure hgss on lacks the tomb/sableye starters. I mean Smeargle works but itd be risky as i said with so many refreshers out there.