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HG-SS On: Straight Emboar (with reshiram)


Aspiring Trainer
4-3-4 Emboar (2 attacker, 2 inferno fandango)
2-2 Ninetales
4 Reshiram

19 Pokemon

4 Junk Arm
3 Dual Ball
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Pokemon Communication
3 Juniper
1 Pokemon Reversal
1 Pokemon Circulator
2 Rare Candy
2 Pluspower
1 Defender
2 Energy Retrieval
1 Fisherman
1 Revive

26 T/S/S

10 Fire
1 Rescue

15 Energy

Strategy: Set up Emboar and hit for 150 over and over. And over. A powerful junk arm/juniper engine allows you to get what you need, when you need it. 2 Reshiram are in here because they can be useful for turns where you may not be able to get a emboar active. Also, a reshiram is your best starter.

I don't think cleffa is needed in this deck. I do, however, need more basics... A lot of trainers have a low count. This is because it is very easy to junk arm them if you don't need them, but if you do need them, it's easy to junk arm for them. Defender and pluspower - i only need them occasionally. So, when I need them, I'll junk arm for them!

The aim is to take a prize per turn once set up. Cleffa could prevent this. That's why I put in reversal. I think, however, that circulator would be a better choice; so thats why I put 1 of each (you know, why not!)

The aim of this deck is to not rely on one trainer. It is to rely on having multiple trainers that can get you out of any situation.




not really straight emboar if you have reshiram in it...

but anyway, I'd take out the junk arms, poke circ and revers as well as the defender. (-7)

then add 2 more PONT, 3 more fisherman and 2 more Revive (+7)

then take out the 3 juniper (you don't want to discard stuff in this deck. you benefit by having more options after ninetales' draw power....and you'd deck out wicked fast) then take out the 3 dual ball (-6)

then add 2 poke comm, 1 collector, another rare candy, a fire energy and a rescue energy (+6)

I'd also suggest taking out the 2 pluspower for another energy retrieval and a fire energy (energy usage and recycling is HUGE in this deck)