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HGSS+ Lostgar (Masters) URGENT


Aspiring Trainer
just wanted to get some input before i head out to league/tourneys TOMOROW!!!

i want to make my lostgar deck as competitive as possible using a hgss onward rotation. please help! thanks!

~pokemon ~

4- mew prime
4-2-3/1 gengar prime/lv.x(only card not from hgss)
2-spiritomb Tr
2-mr. mime Col
1-ditto TR

3- twins
4- seeker
2- collector
3- prof oak
1- interviewers
2 - prof elms
3- cheerleaders
1 - flowershop

3-poke comm
3-rare candy
1-dual ball
1-poke circulator
1- lost remover
2- lost world

energy - 10
8 - {P}
2 - {C} rescue

pretty much straight foward lostgar deck.
use mew to start off and hurl into darkness each turn while i build up two gengar lines
use mr mime to not waste an attack
use spiritomb to try to get more pokemon in opponent's hand
ditto to minimize their bench aka more pokemon in their hand/deck
RE: HS-on Lostgar (Masters)

I don't know about what you would remove, but have you thought about adding any double colorless energy? If you remove dual ball and poke ball, you could fit in the DCE; which could allow a gengar prime to go from removing 1 pokemon per turn to removing 3 pokemon per turn.
RE: HS-on Lostgar (Masters)

Gengar Prime needs Psychic Energy, not DCE. Hurl Into Darkness LZs Pokemon according to the number of Psychic Energy attached to Gengar Prime, not any type of Energy.

Take out Copycat, use PONT instead. It's more consistent.

You could run 4 Rare Candy and 4 Gastly? It's a lot faster. Maybe take out an Emcee's Chatter and something else?
RE: HS-on Lostgar (Masters)

i guess,
but the most thing i have problem with is energy and surviving against AGRO decks like donphan/t-tar
RE: HS-on Lostgar (Masters)

This is definitely no easy feat, Japan managed to do it for their format since their meta probably consists mostly of Tyranitar and LostGar. Actually there's nothing out of Black and White that will help this deck unless you can prove me wrong...
RE: HS-on Lostgar (Masters)

How does Pokemon Catcher help this deck, AzZona?

Even if you bring up a benched Pokemon, there's no point in moving their active to the bench unless you can, for certain, Seeker it up.
RE: HS-on Lostgar (Masters)

you choose the pokemon so you can bring something that is hard to retreat out like say a Regice...or heck if he has a "fodder poke" on his bench then you can pull that up so that he has to make a tough choice on which pokemon to seeker up

How does board control not help a deck?
RE: HS-on Lostgar (Masters)

I'd be sketchy about 3 twins. Do you plan on having more prizes than your opponent and be able to use it three times? Maybe more collectors or pokemon comm. instead. Just my 2 cents.
RE: HS-on Lostgar (Masters)

on a side note something with a little killing power would be good if you happen to be in a sudden death round
RE: HS-on Lostgar (Masters)

that great suggestions and all.
as for the twins, im always down in prize cards since im not doing any actual KOs.

catcher would deff be a good addition.

can anyone tell me what to take out?
+1 catcher
RE: HS-on Lostgar (Masters)

-1 twins
-1 Pokemon Circulator
-1 Lost Remover

+3 Poke Catcher
also go ahead and get 3 Cheerleaders and forget about the emily, you want your opponent to draw into pokes.
maybe even consider using smeargle to get a quick look at you opponents hand as well as a quicker start
RE: HS-on Lostgar (Masters)

well, mew is suppose to be my quick start.

the cheerleaders is a good idea
RE: HGSS+ Lostgar (Masters) URGENT!! PLEASE HELP!!

updated the list.
still need some input
my tourney is tomorow!
You certainly want to max out Twins and Pokémon Communication, it gives SO much speed to the deck. (you can opt to not max out Twins, but Communication is really needed).
I'd put in a Mime Jr. CoL to assist Gengar in getting Pokemon into the Lost Zone, and then if he's asleep on your turn, evolve into Mr. Mime and the sleep is gone. Then, if needs-be, you can let the opponent take out Mr. Mime with an attack, enabling the use of Twins.

I also think that there are better cards than Poke-Ball around, considering that it relies on a coin flip. Why not a Research Record to replace it - it can set you up for getting a Pokemon or any other card that you'll need.

To summarise:
-1 Poke-Ball
-1 Seeker (purely because something needs to be taken out, and there are a lot of Seekers in this deck)
+1 Mime Jr.
+1 Research Record

I hope this helps, and I'm not too late!
RE: HGSS+ Lostgar (Masters) URGENT!! PLEASE HELP!!

I like Mesprit. Since you're using seeker, you can have a great deal of control over the decks based on certain poke powers.
thanks for the input guys, however, i got destroyed by a tank/aggro deck
donphan prime / machamp prime hitting for 150 each turn for example.
i have no way of surving the raze every turn, and pokemon reversal is too flippy
