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HGSS ON Healix


Aspiring Trainer
The strategy is to set up a tanking steelix or if they are a fire type a zoroark. I use shaymin to move the energies a way and then heal and then move them back. Or if I dont have a shayin use reuniclus to move the energy and then heal a benched pokemon with blissey. The reason for only 1 rare candy is I generally can get out the reuniclus by manually evolving by the time I need it and I run 2 smeargle as an ok starter and a brilliant tech. I do not really want people telling me to take it out of this deck as it works well here. Here is the list:
23 Pokemon
2 Smeargle
3-3 Steelix prime
1 Shaymin
2-2 Blissey prime
2-2-2 Reuniclus
2-2 Zoroark

23 T/S/S
2 Defender
1 Energy retrieval
3 pluspower
2 Potion
1 Elms
1 Twins
1 Switch
3 Collector
3 Communication
1 rare candy
3 Prof Oak
2 Judge

14 energy
4 SP Metals
6 Metal energy
Have you considered Klinklang as opposed to Reuniclus? They both have perks, but my brother uses Klinklang in his Healix, and it works great. Reuniclus is nice in that he can move damage and help Steelix even when you don't have a Blissey in play. That damage can really build up if you don't have the Blissey, though. Klinklang can move all steel off of Steelix to another of your Pokemon. This can be useful in a few situations. For one, if you have Blissey, you can just move all metal energy from Steelix to an uninjured Pokemon using Klinklang, play Blissey down to get rid of all damage on your Pokemon, and then move all of the energy back to the healed Steelix, thus accomplishing the same thing Reuniclus would. However, if you don't have the Blissey in hand and know there is no way your Steelix will make it through next turn, you can move all of the steel energy off of Steelix onto another Pokemon (perhaps another benched Steelix) and thus save your energy (that way, you don't have to waste time energy streaming again to get your energy back). If you run a few more switch, you can even accomplish this without losing the damaged Steelix. Combining these two methods can be especially deadly. That is, hitting with Steelix up front until he's really damaged. Then, use switch to replace him with a healthy Steelix, then use Klinklang to move all metal energy from the damaged Steelix to the new one. When that Steelix is too damaged to survive another turn, move all energy to an undamaged Pokemon with Klinklang, lay down Blissey to heal both your Steelixes, and move it all back to the active Steelix to hit some more and repeat the whole process if you have another switch. Klinklang is also nice as a backup attacker (another plus over Reuniclus; Reuniclus can't use steel). He's flippy, but two heads from Klinklang will knock out literally any Pokemon except Wailord. You also don't need the Shaymin if you use Klinklang. The main downside is that Klinklang can't transfer DCE, so you'll lose those. As far as TSS goes, I'm not sure how necessary the defenders and energy retrieval are. Defenders are very situational cards, and you already have special metals to reduce damage. Energy retrievals can only get basic energies, which isn't as useful in steel decks and dark decks (I run a T-tar) where over half the energies are special. In addition, Steelix can already energy stream to get back a special or basic energy. If you find yourself needing any further room in your deck, I'd say the pluspowers would be next to go; I'm just not a huge fan of them, especially in a deck that's so centered around defense. Regardless of whether you choose to run Klinklang or Reuniclus, seekers are important to this deck. In the case of Reuniclus, you need to be able to seeker up the Pokemon that has been used as the damage transfer sponge in order to avoid a knock out and to reuse him as a sponge. For Klinklang, you need to be able to seeker up your damaged Steelix after you use a switch to put him on the bench (assuming you don't have a Blissey to play). Then you can put him down to transfer energies back to when the active Steelix is worn out. Most importantly for both decks, though, you need seeker to pick up and reuse Blissey after you've dropped her. There's nothing more frustrating for your opponent than to see all damage taken off of your Pokemon and (with the use of seeker) to see that you can do the exact same thing again next turn. One more thing, and then I'll shut up. I know you like Smeargle and I kind of do too overall. One thing is for sure though: this deck can set up REALLY slow. Therefore, you need to be able to help it along by buying it time and the best way to do this is to run plenty of starter Pokemon (4 or even 5 for this deck). Smeargle can be a great way to snag a Professor Elm or Collector you need so that's good (though you do risk portraiting into a Juniper or Judge). The go-to starter for the few steel decks that are run in this format currently, though, is skarmory from undaunted/CoL. If you start with him, you can attach a metal energy and then use steel coat to attach another to your benched Onix. The great thing is that this can be a special metal energy; you might even be able to get four on Steelix in this way (and there is nothing more satisfying than seeing your opponent's Donphan earthquake for 20 damage). Using the move also thins your deck of energy and makes it more likely that you'll draw into the Pokemon and trainers you need. I would playtest lots with both Smeargle and Skarmory in your deck and see what your preference is. You may like both enough to keep them both in your deck or you may find that you like one better. Hope this helps.
Woah thanks for the post! In terms of your smeargle advice I would use all my hand resources before I went for a portrait. I havent tested this deck yet but from your advice I'll make this change:
-1 energy retrieval
-1 Shaymin
-1 Defender
-2 Judge
-1 Pluspower
-1 Metal energy
-2-2-2 Reuniclus
-1 rare candy (sounds odd to run 0 but I never use it as when I have a steelix my resources go on the stage 2.)
-1 Zoroark for space reasons I have to go for a 2-1 line :(
+2-2-2 Klingklang
+2 Skarmory (so there is 2-2 split)
+2 SSU
+3 Seeker
+1 Prof Oak
+1 Rescue energy
Ill edit the page now, thanks for the help.