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HGSS-on reshiphlosion, need help =) thx


Aspiring Trainer
hi all, I am Nico 27years and a new pokemon player.
ive played many many years yugioh but quitted, went back to my first tcg love POKEMON !! :)

in 3 weeks i have a first tourney and want to play thisdeck i've made with some research...
is it any good; pls be constructive, thx :)

Pokemon (19):
4-2-3 Typhlosion Prime
4 Reshiram
2-2 Ninetales
2 Cleffa

T/S/S (29):
1 N
2 Twins
2 Professor Junipers
2 Sages Training
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Junk Arm
3 Rare Candy
2 Pokemon Catcher
2 Rocky Helmet
2 Pluspower
1 Switch

Energy (12):
2 Rescue Energy
10 Fire Energy

the strategy of the deck is to flare destroy ur opponents pokemon with the help of reshiram
and use ninetales as draw power and discard engine

ps: trying to fit in lost remover.... any suggestions?
i would take out the ninetails line and 1 cleffa and the 2 rocky helmet

toss in 1 mewtwo
2 juniper
1 N
2 plus power
and 1 more catcher.

the last change i would make if i were you would be 1 more switch, but you could figure out what to do with that.
lost remover isn't really necessary imo if you want to get rid of their energies that bad, you could just attack with a typhlosion.
i dont have a mewtwo :( and imo much 2 expensive to buy one
i'm considering the changes ! dont have all the cards either irl :)
is a reshiram EX any good here?
Reshiram EX is not good in here. Since you are unable to get a Mewtwo EX, here are some cards you can add in. Add a 4th Typhlosion Prime. Having 4 always guarantees that you have at least 3 out if ione is prized. Against Mewtwo EX, you should just Blue Flare or Flare Destroy. Those attacks both work well against Mewtwo EX.
little update:

Pokemon (18):
4-1-4 Typhlosion Prime
4 Reshiram
1-1 Ninetales
2 Cleffa
1 Victini (V-create)

T/S/S (30):
1 N
2 Twins
2 Professor Junipers
2 Sages Training
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Junk Arm
3 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon Catcher
1 Rocky Helmet
2 Pluspower
2 Switch

Energy (12):
2 Rescue Energy
10 Fire Energy
after some playtesting, i think 2 cleffa is to much, anyone has any ideas wha i can replace it wth?
Nicor123 said:
after some playtesting, i think 2 cleffa is to much, anyone has any ideas wha i can replace it what??

-2 Cleffa

+1 N (disruption)
+1 Plus Power (so you can 1 hit other BW Reshi's & Zeks with more consistency.)

GL :)