Hey guys, so I've decided to try and have a discussion about my B&W grass heal deck. I used to run a similar deck the past month consisting of serperior's, ninjask's (circling dive), and yanmega (sonic wave). It was undefeated locally but was just too good. With the recent talk about the HGSS-on rotation, I took it apart and feel I've found a very nice flow of healing and heavy damage.
I'm looking for advice, recommendations, and anything you all see wrong. I've only been playing pokemon for a month now, but this deck this weekend hasn't lost to anything HGSS-on (my friends, and locals switched early outside of sanctioned events). There's a few things I'm still not very sure about and would love some advice on specifically:
1. Potions. I enjoy having potions. It really helps with burst healing when I need too. However, being a heal deck and everything heals should I replace this with a different trainer? I just can't find a reason too, or a good replacement.
2. Team Rocket's Trickery. I really like this card. Old school bill + a discard for the opponent. Really nice. Does it apply to my deck though? With sage's Training I feel I get close to decking myself given my deck is slow and powerful over time. Take out?
3. Energy count. I've toyed with this number for awhile and feel 16 is right. My deck is about building up my pokemon on the bench so sawsbuck can dish out some insane damage (I've been one hitting Zekrom's easily in these matches). However, I know 16 is "a lot" compared to the current rotation and was just curious if this is a bad thing.
On to the list. I've bracketed core attacks and put in parenthesis the set numbers.
Pokemon (22)
4-2-4 Serperior [Royal heal] (2,4,6 respectfully)
3-3 Lilligant [Leaf Storm] (9,10 respectfully)
3-3 Sawsbuck [Nature Power] (13,14 respectfully)
Trainers (22)
2 Rare Candy
3 Sage's Training
3 Team Rocket's Trickery
3 Potion
3 Energy Retrieval
4 Professor Elm's Training Method
4 Pokemon Communication
Energy (16)
16 Basic Leaf
The core idea of this deck is to heal any damage output the opponent is dishing out. The only drawback is low hp on sawsbuck(90) and Lilligant(80). However, the best way to counter this for me is to have Serperior tank that big hit if I know the next round will be hitting for 80+. With a full bench Sawbucks Nature power hits for 100+ making him a huge part of the deck. Any damage that doesn't kill my pokemon will be healed off by their next turn, while I'm dishing out damage. Even just hitting for 60 a turn is fine because I have lasting power.
The stacking power for healing this deck has is incredible. Especially with my energy count I can risk retreating as all are 1 cost. If my active comes close to dying, retreat, use royal heal between turns, and my options are pretty good. I can potion for a quicker heal, bring Lilligant and do Leaf Storm, or just let it sit there and by the next turn said pokemon is back to no damage. This is a perfect situation with no bench harass etc. The point is, even if the opponent is pushing steady damage but not one shotting me I'm fine by the next round.
Along with retreating, bringing out Sawsbuck I've really started to notice his hitting power. He hits hard for a grass, and can heal. If he's my active by turn 2 for 2 energy I'm pushing 40 damage. By turn 3, 60. I try and get Lilligant out first so I can build her up, but also sawsbuck on my bench so by the time I retreat I'll be hitting for 70+ with nature power. My energy is never ending with my options/combos with trainers:
1. large energy count
2. Energy Retrieval in hand - Sage's Training. Discard 2 energy - use ER. Or Sage's training anyway and get an ER while discarding 2 energy.
3. Team Rocket's Trickery - draw 2 (luck)
It never fails for me to have a large quantity of energy at any time.
I like sage's and TRT because it really pushes my deck to get past my stage 1's and basic pokemon and get to those energies I need. I keep an eye out on my deck size and those combos fade, as I don't want to risk decking myself. But in general I like draw cards.
Comments, recommendations, and tips highly recommended! I'm extremely new and open to anything. I just know this deck is doing quite well vs zoroark/mandibuzz/zekrom/reddude decks. I haven't attempted to play against non HGSS-on mostly because I still feel those sets are overpowered and to judge my deck based on those is tough for me to want to do. Especially with them hitting so hard.
I'm looking for advice, recommendations, and anything you all see wrong. I've only been playing pokemon for a month now, but this deck this weekend hasn't lost to anything HGSS-on (my friends, and locals switched early outside of sanctioned events). There's a few things I'm still not very sure about and would love some advice on specifically:
1. Potions. I enjoy having potions. It really helps with burst healing when I need too. However, being a heal deck and everything heals should I replace this with a different trainer? I just can't find a reason too, or a good replacement.
2. Team Rocket's Trickery. I really like this card. Old school bill + a discard for the opponent. Really nice. Does it apply to my deck though? With sage's Training I feel I get close to decking myself given my deck is slow and powerful over time. Take out?
3. Energy count. I've toyed with this number for awhile and feel 16 is right. My deck is about building up my pokemon on the bench so sawsbuck can dish out some insane damage (I've been one hitting Zekrom's easily in these matches). However, I know 16 is "a lot" compared to the current rotation and was just curious if this is a bad thing.
On to the list. I've bracketed core attacks and put in parenthesis the set numbers.
Pokemon (22)
4-2-4 Serperior [Royal heal] (2,4,6 respectfully)
3-3 Lilligant [Leaf Storm] (9,10 respectfully)
3-3 Sawsbuck [Nature Power] (13,14 respectfully)
Trainers (22)
2 Rare Candy
3 Sage's Training
3 Team Rocket's Trickery
3 Potion
3 Energy Retrieval
4 Professor Elm's Training Method
4 Pokemon Communication
Energy (16)
16 Basic Leaf
The core idea of this deck is to heal any damage output the opponent is dishing out. The only drawback is low hp on sawsbuck(90) and Lilligant(80). However, the best way to counter this for me is to have Serperior tank that big hit if I know the next round will be hitting for 80+. With a full bench Sawbucks Nature power hits for 100+ making him a huge part of the deck. Any damage that doesn't kill my pokemon will be healed off by their next turn, while I'm dishing out damage. Even just hitting for 60 a turn is fine because I have lasting power.
The stacking power for healing this deck has is incredible. Especially with my energy count I can risk retreating as all are 1 cost. If my active comes close to dying, retreat, use royal heal between turns, and my options are pretty good. I can potion for a quicker heal, bring Lilligant and do Leaf Storm, or just let it sit there and by the next turn said pokemon is back to no damage. This is a perfect situation with no bench harass etc. The point is, even if the opponent is pushing steady damage but not one shotting me I'm fine by the next round.
Along with retreating, bringing out Sawsbuck I've really started to notice his hitting power. He hits hard for a grass, and can heal. If he's my active by turn 2 for 2 energy I'm pushing 40 damage. By turn 3, 60. I try and get Lilligant out first so I can build her up, but also sawsbuck on my bench so by the time I retreat I'll be hitting for 70+ with nature power. My energy is never ending with my options/combos with trainers:
1. large energy count
2. Energy Retrieval in hand - Sage's Training. Discard 2 energy - use ER. Or Sage's training anyway and get an ER while discarding 2 energy.
3. Team Rocket's Trickery - draw 2 (luck)
It never fails for me to have a large quantity of energy at any time.
I like sage's and TRT because it really pushes my deck to get past my stage 1's and basic pokemon and get to those energies I need. I keep an eye out on my deck size and those combos fade, as I don't want to risk decking myself. But in general I like draw cards.
Comments, recommendations, and tips highly recommended! I'm extremely new and open to anything. I just know this deck is doing quite well vs zoroark/mandibuzz/zekrom/reddude decks. I haven't attempted to play against non HGSS-on mostly because I still feel those sets are overpowered and to judge my deck based on those is tough for me to want to do. Especially with them hitting so hard.