HGSS RH- Two varieties?

Crystal Hikara

So, I've noticed something a wee bit odd about the new RHs (some of them) for HGSS. Some of the cards are the typical RH silver, but with others it almost seems like an awful pun on the series name and the card is covered with a golden hue. (The most noteable difference I've seen is on the RH Bill I have- the photo, too, is horribly discolored with this yellowish hue on Bill's face.) It doesn't seem to happen on every RH card (Ariados, for instance, looks no different as RH or NH), so I'm wondering:

Is this just a printing error? Or did Nintendo slyly and stealthily sneak in a second 'golden' RH set and try and have us believe it is a printing error?

More importantly, has anyone else gotten these cards? I have a few of the golden RHs. Do you think they'll be worth anything?
Could you post a picture? That would make it easier to judge whether is was a printing error or not.
Sadly, I don't have pictures, but it's NOT just on TSS. I have a Butterfree that is definitely more golden than the normal picture. I'll take scans of them Tuesday.
I have the same thing. Here is a pic. (pardon the horrible glare)


As you can see, the one on the right is much more golden then the one on the left.
I've seen this on one of the Bills I have as well. Also a few Unowns I've seen have it as well. Those I gave to my friend because they kinda hurt my eyes if I stared at them too long....