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PokeKid Brandon

PM for free stupid...
So we know that there will be 6 primes in the set and we can almost confirm that Crobat, Urasang, Stelix and Ttar are in the set. WHat do you think the other 2 will be?

HOnestly I think they will be slowking and Raichu prime.
I would be very angry if they cut Kingdra and Scizor, that would mean we had the 2 most playable cut from each set
I think a 2-1-2 backup attacker of kingdra prime would be decent
or a 1-0-1 tech for the free "flash bite" every turn.
I think Scizor Prime is more playable than Kingdra Prime, plus If {R} is still popular in the format that will hurt Kingdra alot in terms of attack damage output.
That's why i was thinking 1-0-1.
For example, how many times have you been 10 away from a ohko?
My deck already plays water, so IF I had to attack with it, nbd...
Theres not many decks where Kingdra would be worth it as a tech. WOuld rather just run Pluspower or Crobat G as a stage 2 is a PITA to get out.
Discuss what the other Primes are in the News Capsules thread that was already made. Or even the exact same topic already discussing HG/SS Unleashed in this Forum.


dmaster out.
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