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Hidden in the shadows (Ninjask/Shedinja/Flygon)


League Owner x2
This is really my first attempt at something I've been wanting to play for a while, it's mainly a deck meant to just take out to league and play around with, I don't really intend to run it at any sort of tournament.

First order of business, here's the list:

Pokemon - 24
x3 Spiritomb AR
x4 Nincada (either LA or SV, doesn't matter)
x2 Ninjask SV
x2 Ninjask LA
x1 Shedinja SV
x2 Trapinch RR
x1 Vibrava RR
x2 Flygon RR
x1 Ditto LA
x2 Weedle UL
x2 Kakuna UL
x2 Beedrill RR

T/S/S - 21
x2 Rare Candy
x2 Pokemon Collector
x2 Team Rocket's Trickery
x3 Bebe's Search
x2 Pokemon Communication
x1 Luxury Ball
x2 Super Scoop Up
x3 Expert Belt
x2 Broken Time Space
x2 Copycat

Energy - 15
x4 Double Colorless Energy
x9 Grass Energy
x2 Rainbow Energy

Basically, the strategy is to get both Ninjask set up with a (hopeful) Flygon on the bench to give Shedinja a free retreat, letting Ninjask/Shedinja to circle dive/spike wound & wall the opponent.

Any criticism is welcome! :]
RE: Hidden in the shadows

Personally, I don't see a need for Beedrill. If you want to search, I suggest using Sunflora HS. It's only a stage 1. And, for retreat, use Dodrio UD, rather than Flygon. It's also only a stage 1.

-2-2-2 Beedrill
-2-1-2 Flygon
-2 Rare Candy
-2 Rainbow Energy
+2-2 Sunflora HS
+2-2 Dodrio UD
+1-1 Mewtwo Lv.X
+1 Uxie
+2 Engineers Adjustments
+2 Psychic Energy

I'll tell you why Mewtwo Lv.X. You can stall with either Mewtwo Lv.X, Shedinja, or Spiritomb, depending on the situation. Mewtwo Lv.X for SP, Shedinja for Poke Powers or Bodies, and Spiritomb for Trainer Lock (usually at the beginning of a game) I had a deck like this, except it used Shuppet PT instead of Ninjask. It worked pretty well. Engineers Adjustments for drawpower and Uxie also.
Hope I helped.
RE: Hidden in the shadows

You'll want more Shedinjas. 2 of each SV and LA are very handy to have. LA against swarming foes (Kingdra, Donphan, the works), SV to keep body/power users at bay. You may also want Unown Q for the free retreat antics.