Wi-Fi Trades Hikara Productions- WANT SYNCHRONIZE Pokémon! GTS CLONING AVAILABLE!

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Crystal Hikara


(Thanks to the stupedously awesome Light Venusaur for the banner!)

Here at Hikara Productions, we offer only 100% legit Pokemon, Pokemon that don't know what a GS or AR are. Trade times will be variable but I'll try to quickly do everything in my power to get you what you need quickly.

Rules for trading:
1) Please leave trade offers here on my thread with not only what YOU want, but what you HAVE. I'm not overly fond of the CMT industry. ;/
2) All Pokemon generally coming straight from my GBA games have had the Emerald duplicating glitch used on them. Please keep this in mind.
3) I will NOT, under ANY circumstances trade for hacked Pokemon. I don't like Event Pokemon cloning for the most part either, so unless I specifically say otherwise, please don't bother. :< GTS cloning's okay. I IV check, so hackers, BE WARNED.
4) Fair trades only please. I'll trade legendaries for shineys and vise-versa, but I tell you right now I'm NOT trading anyone anything for shiny Bidoofs or things of that nature. >|
5) Pokemon favorites of mine, so long as they're legal, are fine any time for trade wants. :3
6) Please keep on topic. Anyone that doesn't post an offer/I'm not negotiating with may be reported, depending on the nature of the spam.


Contact Info:
Plat (main trader)- Kira 4812 7283 9417
Diamond & Pearl- coming soon as backup traders.


Semi-Black List:
I will not trade with the following people for whatever reason. Blacklist may also mean I will report you if you're on the list and you post here.
Chillychina (spam)
Mesprit (lying about legitimacy)



My Shinies:
All my caught shineys have been mildly touched at least.
Togetic F 30 Colosseum
Qwilfish F 24 FR
Banette F 40 Ru (really touched; ask and I can throw in re-EVing into the deal.)
Ditto 61 (also greatly touched; see Banette's note.)
More will hopefully come with Egg making. :3

Shinies Via Trades/GTS:
Azelf 50 UT, Jolly nature. 99% sure it's legit.


Colosseum Pokemon To Come:
These Pokemon are still on my Colosseum file. Right now I have no way of accessing them given the fact that my friend is borrowing my connection cable, but I'll be getting it back soon. All are listed in Snag Order. Pokemon that do not have 'level met in parentheses means it's at the level it was caught at. Because of the nature of the game in which the only way to get a Shadow Pokemon back to normal is to battle, most have been touched.

M= Mewster game, K= Kitoro game (to come much later)
Umbreon M: Mild Lv. 75 Faint Attack, Moonlight, Secret Power, Confuse Ray
Espeon M: Impish Lv. 75 Psychic, Morning Sun, Return, Helping Hand
Makuhita M: Sassy Lv. 30 (1/4 EXP bar) Foresight, Focus Energy, Vital Throw, Cross Chop
Bayleef M: Now Meganium Lv. 75. Impish. Solarbeam, Razor Leaf, Sunny Day, Synthesis
Misdreavus M: Naive Lv. 34 (30 Met; has almost a full EXP bar) Shadow Ball, Psybeam, Mean Look, Confuse Ray
Noctowl M: Lax Lv. 30 (has almost a full EXP bar) Steel Wing, Hypnosis, Reflect, Fly
Flaaffy M: Now Ampharos Lv. 75. Quiet. Thunder, Thunderbolt, Cotton Spore, Thunderwave.
Skiploom M: Timid Lv. 31 (30 met; 1/4 EXP bar) Synthesis, Sleep Powder, Cotton Spore, Mega Drain
Quagsire M: Quiet Lv. 32 (30 met; 3/4 EXP bar) Surf, Slam, Mud Shot, Amnesia
Slugma M: Lonely Lv. 36 (30 met; 1/4 EXP bar) Sunny Day, Yawn, Rock Throw, Flamethrower
Furret M: Brave Lv. 33 (33 met; 3/4 EXP bar) Iron Tail, Helping Hand, Quick Attack, Strength
Yanma M: Modest Lv. 34 (33 met; 1/4 EXP bar) Detect, Supersonic, Sonicboom, Uproar
Remoraid M: Relaxed Lv. 22 (20 met; less than 1/4 EXP bar) Bubblebeam, Lock-on, Psybeam, Aurora Beam
Mantine M: (mysteriously not here...)
Qwilfish M: Brave Lv. 36 (33 met; 3/4 EXP bar) Pin Missile, Minimize, Poison Sting, Surf
Meditite M: Quiet Lv. 33 UNTOUCHED! Detect, Calm Mind, Confusion, Hi-Jump Kick
Dunsparce M: Adamant Lv. 34 (33 met; wee bit of EXP) Spite, Glare, Yawn, Take Down
Swablu M: Now Altaria Lv. 75. Modest. Dragonbreath, Fly, Perish Song, Sky Attack
Sudowoodo M: Relaxed Lv. 38 (35 met; < 1/4 EXP bar) Flail, Block, Low Kick, Rock Slide
Duking's Plusle M: (mysteriously not here...)
Hitmontop M: Careful Lv. 41 (38 met; 1/2 EXP bar) Agility, Focus Energy, Triple Kick, Rapid Spin
Entei M: Hasty Lv. 75 (40 met.) Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Stomp, Bite
Ledian M: Adamant Lv. 41 (40 met; 1/2 EXP bar) Comet Punch, Supersonic, Safeguard, Baton Pass
Suicune M: Hardy Lv. 42 (40 met; < 1/4 EXP bar) Surf, Aurora Beam, Gust, Rain Dance
Gligar M: Gentle Lv. 44 (43 met; wee bit of EXP) Faint Attack, Sand-Attack, Poison Sting, Slash
Stantler M: Sassy Lv. 44 (43 met; > 3/4 EXP bar) Take Down, Astonish, Leer, Hypnosis
Piloswine M: Jolly Lv. 45 (43 met; 1/3 EXP bar) Endure, Odor Sleuth, Dig, Blizzard
Sneasel M: Docile Lv. 44 (43 met; > 3/4 EXP bar) Faint Attack, Icy Wind, Fury Swipes, Screech
Aipom M: Hardy Lv 43 (1/3 EXP bar) Baton Pass, Tickle, Fury Swipes, Swift
Murkrow M: Serious Lv. 44 (43 met; almost full EXP bar) Faint Attack, Mean Look, Night Shade, Fly
Forretress M: Bold Lv. 44 (43 met; 2/3 EXP bar) Explosion, Protect, Bide, Rapid Spin
Ariados M: Gentle Lv. 44 (43 met; 3/4 EXP bar) Spider Web, Scary Face, Leech Life, Sludge Bomb
Granbull M: Naughty Lv. 47 (43 met; little EXP bar) Strength, Bite, Roar, Scary Face
Vibrava M: Serious Lv. 43 (almost full EXP bar) Crunch, Screech, Sand Tomb, Dragon Breath
Raikou M: (mysteriously not here...)
Sunflora M: Sassy Lv. 46 (45 met; 2/3 EXP bar) Sunny Day, Growth, Ingrain, Solarbeam
Delibird M: Calm Lv. 47 (45 met; 1/2 EXP bar) Blizzard, Fly, Present, Attract
Heracross M: (mysteriously not here...)
Quilava M: Rash Lv. 35 (30 met; almost full EXP bar) Sunny Day, Smokescreen, Dig, Flamewheel
Croconaw M: Modest Lv. 37 (30 met; 2/3 EXP bar) Bite, Scary Face, Rain Dance, Slash
Metagross M: Lax Lv. 52 (50 met; 1/2 EXP bar) Hyper Beam, Iron Defense, Metal Claw, Psychic
Skarmory M: Calm Lv. 49 (47 met; > 3/4 EXP bar) Drill Peck, Metal Sound, Air Cutter, Steel Wing
Miltank M: Mild Lv. 49 (48 met; little EXP bar) Body Slam, Rollout, Milk Drink, Defense Curl
Absol M: Quirky Lv. 49 (48 met; 2/3 EXP bar) Slash, Faint Attack, Perish Song, Swords Dance
Houndoom M: Adamant Lv. 51 (48 met; 1/2 EXP bar) Flamethrower, Faint Attack, Smog, Howl
Tropius M: Timid Lv. 50 (49 met; almost full EXP bar) Solarbeam, Synthesis, Magical Leaf, Fly
Tyranitar M: Brave Lv. 55 (almost full EXP bar) Crunch, Thunder, Rock Slide, Blizzard
Smeargle M: Calm Lv. 51 (45 met; < 1/4 EXP bar) Psychic, Sketch (VERY USEFUL!), Doubleslap, Iron Tail
Ursaring M: Brave Lv. 47 (45 met; no EXP bar) Slash, Faint Attack, Lick, Fake Tears
Shuckle M: Gentle Lv. 45 UNTOUCHED! (Special WALL!) Safeguard, Encore, Rest, Bide
Togetic M: SHINY! Jolly Lv. 30 (1/2 EXP bar)
Mattle Ho-Oh M: Relaxed Lv. 72 (70 met)

Whew! Took a while to compile that one list. If you see a Pokemon on there that you want, lemme know. I'll reserve it for you and I'll PM you when I'm able to get ahold of said Pokemon.

I'll put up a full list of XD later.
XD Lugia (HAKU) Lv. 50 (one battle, otherwise UT), Lonely
XD Articuno (WINTER) Lv. 50 UT, Relaxed
XD Zapdos (THUNDER) Lv 50 UT, Quiet
XD Moltres (PHOENIX) Lv. 50 UT, Sassy
(XD Pokemon CANNOT be renicknamed at this time, sorry. :/)

Legendaries/Hard to Get:
Articuno 50 UT, Timid
Zapdos 51 TOUCHED, Sassy
Suicune 50 UT, Jolly
Feebas, Lv 1. I can breed em up, no problem.
Regirock 40 UT Naughty (Emerald)
Regirock 40 UT, Quirky (Ruby)
Regice 40 UT Modest (Emerald)
Regice 40 UT, Naive (Ruby)
Latias 40 UT (Rus healed), Docile
Gible Lv. 1. I can breed/catch em easy.
Phione, Lv 1. I can breed em' fairly easily.


EV- I can speed EV your Pokemon if it's for AT, HP, SP or SA. I can do DF & SD but it takes longer. This service comes free with spreadable PKRS.


-Any of the first 50 TMs. (I can bring em in from Emerald.)
-Misc. Underground items. Some of the nameable items include Plates, so feel free to ask which I have!
-Common Evolution Stones: I dig up so many of em I'm nearly desperate to give them away!
-Rare Evolution Stones: I have all three, but since they take longer to get ahold of these trade higher.
-Master Balls: coutesy of Emerald. I barely use em. I have more fun trying to catch Pokemon in Pokeballs. ;D Just say how many you want; limit three per customer per two weeks.
-Thief Items: Want that pesky Lucky Egg? I can get em to you, but it'll take a while. Limit 1 Lucky Egg per person per trading history.

Random Babies/Eggs:
Trapinch 1, Jolly; EM Quick Attack and Fury Cutter


Pokemon for Breeding:

Abra/Espeon/Umbreon of the following natures with Synchronize:


Torchic- MUST BE FEMALE. NN of FLARE or BLAZEBURST -GREATLY PREFFERED- (as in, I'll trade better for it.) No GS/AR re-nicknaming. Preferrable natures are Calm or Adamant. UT if possible.
Female Extremespeed Dratini. UT if possible.
Eevee, UT only. If male NN SHOUSHI if possible.
Mareep, UT if possible. Calm nature preffered.

Pokedex Trade-Backs:
(just for data, MUST BE LEGIT.)

(will generally trade for any at any time for services. Personal nicknames preffered unless I request otherwise)
Articuno <3

Trade refs:
-none yet-
RE: Hikara Productions- Simple Trades from Crystal

I've got:
Spiritomb (I'll need to breed one 1st)
Manaphy (I'll need to clone it 1st)
Shieldon (I can give you it's fossil)
Murkrow (I'll just need to breed one 1st)
Misdreavus (I'll just need to breed one 1st)

Just do what you want to get them off me.
RE: Hikara Productions- Simple Trades from Crystal

LV: How about a XD Lugia, maybe used for one battle, for all minus Manaphy?
RE: Hikara Productions- Simple Trades from Crystal

Crystal Hikara said:
LV: How about a XD Lugia, maybe used for one battle, for all minus Manaphy?
I can also do an Eevee holding a Water Stone (so you can get a Vaporeon).
If you throw in one of the shiny's (that I don't have)~then you've got a deal.
RE: Hikara Productions- Simple Trades from Crystal

I'd say deal 100%, but didn't we arrange for all 4 shinies for a Mew already? o_O
RE: Hikara Productions- Simple Trades from Crystal

hey light wanna do the trade now

yes i am going to delete this post after we finish trading
You never should have done it HERE in the first place!
Enjoy your ban.
RE: Hikara Productions- Simple Trades from Crystal

Crystal Hikara said:
I'd say deal 100%, but didn't we arrange for all 4 shinies for a Mew already? o_O
True...I kinda forgot bout that already.
I also made this for you.
RE: Hikara Productions- Simple Trades from Crystal

LV: ;; You're TOO AWESOME. *goes to add to first post* Now I'll REALLY look spiffy-tastic! :D

Regardless, what do you wanna do about the trade then? The original offer?
RE: Hikara Productions- Simple Trades from Crystal

^If you can gimme bout 1hr, I should've got the breeding done.
RE: Hikara Productions- Simple Trades from Crystal

Crystal Hikara said:
KK, I'll trade over my Lugia. He's been resting on Ranch. :3

Spritomb's been done....I'm getting a Murkrow now.
I've got your Murkrow....doing Snorlax soon....just waiting for Spritomb to hatch.....do you want it to have a NN?
I'll need both a male & female name.
RE: Hikara Productions- Simple Trades from Crystal

shiny quilfish for shiny mew, a clone
RE: Hikara Productions- Simple Trades from Crystal

LV: No nicknames needed thanks. :3

Guy89: I'm interested...can you show me stats and the like? Whole 9 yards.
RE: Hikara Productions- Simple Trades from Crystal

OT Akuma
ID 60606
December 6th 2008
Arrived at Lv 100
Thrashes About
Spicy food
HP 341
Attack 328
Defence 236
Sp Attack 212
Sp Defence 236
Speed 299
Shadow Ball
Champ Ribbon
Winning Ribbon
Victory Ribbon
Artist Ribbon
Effort RIbbon
Sinnoh Champ Ribbon
RE: Hikara Productions- Simple Trades from Crystal

CH: Gotcha on that...I'm doing the Misdreavus for you (it'll have to be in japanese, as I only have Pearl in japanese...unless I "borrow" my bro's one & breed it).
Also can you EV that Jolly Trapinch (into a Flygon)
RE: Hikara Productions- Simple Trades from Crystal

Guy89: I spy with my little eye a hacked-looking Pokemon. Sorry, but no thanks (not to mention I'm looking for untouched Mews).

LV: Lol, I can have a fully EVed Trapinch at level 10. If you want it evolved into the Flygon you'd have to throw in something else, because levelling's a paiiiiin.

Regardless, 252SP/252AT/4HP I presume?

Also, no prob with a Japanese Pokemon.
RE: Hikara Productions- Simple Trades from Crystal

I didnt hack it but i was wondering what made you think that
RE: Hikara Productions- Simple Trades from Crystal

Guy89- Did an IV check. All IVs came up as 31. If I even remotely see something like that, ESP. on a shiny as rare as Mew...lolno. I don't take Pokemon if there's even a shred of doubt that it's legit. :/ Sorry.

Also: I'm looking for Synchronize Pokémon of the 25 different natures. Male, female, touched, untouched, doesn't matter. Just need em!

Ba-da-bump! Added info about some of my XD Mons. Really lookin for Sync Pokemon...

I'd love to do a pokedex data tradeback, my Deoxys or Darkrai for your XD Lugia. (Deoxys appears permanently in your pokedex as the form you get it in, so tell me your favorite form.)
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