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Ho-oh EX + Mew EX


Aspiring Trainer
Okay, let's try this:

Pokemon 9
2 Mewtwo EX
1 Shaymin EX
1 Vicinti NVI
1 Bouffalant
3 Ho-oh EX
1 Registeel EX

Trainers 30
4 Juniper
4 N
2 Bianca
4 Random Rec.
4 Ultra Ball
4 Energy Switch
3 Switch
3 Super Scoop Up
2 Catcher
1 Ace Spec

Energy 12
2 Dbl Col.
1 Grass
3 Fire
1 Water
2 Lightning
2 Fighting
1 Steel

With 8 open slots. How could this list be fixed up? Thanks.
Braviary doesn't Catcher, it lets your opponent choose what Pokémon they switch in. Just run four Catchers and drop the Braviary line.

Not sure how that is supposed to work so I can't really help you with it otherwise.
-1 Mew EX
-3 Prism; Besides DCE, you want to keep Special Energy at a minimum.
-2 Grass Energy; Way too many energies, even for Ho-Oh.
-1 Water Energy
-1 Steel Energy
-1 Blend GRPD
-1 Blend WLFM; You don't even have any Pokemon that can use this.

+1 Mewtwo EX; This card is amazing in Ho-Oh.
+1 Victini NVI 15; This is your counter to the new Klinklang.
+1 Ace Spec.
+2 Double Colorless
+1 Darkness Energy

+4 random attackers (Here are a few decent options to choose from: Tornadus EP, Tornadus EX, Terrakion EX, Landorus EX, Bouffalant, another Mewtwo EX, Shaymin EX)

(Note: Depending on which attacking options you choose, you're going to need to change the energies around.)
Even though it doesn't catcher, I still like it, lol. So, Mora, why no Mew? I like the Victini idea because (well, with my ZekEels) I usually have a full bench. Who would you recommend out of Registeel EX/ Victini EX/ Celebi EX? Oh, and thanks for the attackers line. I have to study to see which ones I want to use.
Prbably Registeel.

And Mew is just too frail to be an EX attacker, unless it serves some specific function.
I know that Ho-oh does more damage with more different energies, but I think victini ex would be beautiful with this deck. It could buff up your mewtwo and ho-oh (a little). If you even add victory piece, I think it could build your pokemon very fast. Hope this helps.
Victini and Ho-Oh are their own decks. Since Ho-Oh tends to run colorless attackers, You can power them up just as easily with DCE, and DCE does the job without giving up two prizes.
Rufflet is donk bait waiting to happen... What's the point of Victini EX or Braviary???
Victini would be a T1 energy accelerator from the deck, but you might as well just attach a DCE. Braviary has a built in Pokemon Circulator (which maybe using it every turn, I could see it being annoying), and Rufflet can search Ho-Oh's and put them into your hand.
Mora said:
Victini would be a T1 energy accelerator from the deck, but you might as well just attach a DCE. Braviary has a built in Pokemon Circulator (which maybe using it every turn, I could see it being annoying), and Rufflet can search Ho-Oh's and put them into your hand.

Didn't think of that, that is a better idea! Thank you!

Jagz817 aka Inferno Entei
I think that the Braviary line is just too gimmicky to work. Maybe take i out and strengthen some lines? I just noticed that you don't have any Ace-Specs. Play either Dowsing MCHN or Computer Search for their discarding abilities.
I've never needed anything in Ho-Oh but 4 Ultra Ball, which you've already got.
For the discarding, you should need 4 Professor Juniper, 4 Ultra Ball, and 1 Dowsing MCHN. Computer Search (Computer Search preferably for the early game when it's needed).
Facepalm. You meant alternatives for the slots, not alterative search. If you'd update the oroginal post, I could tell you exactly what to replace them with.