Holo Card Backgrounds


Aspiring Trainer
I was wondering if there is a list that anyone knows of, of the holo background patterns, Mainly like the exclusive cards, cracked ice holo etc. I've tried googling but none of the combinations of words I use come up with anything useful.

A Google search brought up the cracked ice holofoil, cosmos holofoil, sheen holofoil, smooth cosmos holofoil, crosshatch holofoil, mirror holofoil, tinsel holofoil and mirror reverse holofoil, energy reverse holofoil, stamped holofoil and starlight holofoil. Yeah, try saying that out loud. With all of that, I'm not exactly sure what the XY Reverse Holo holofoil is, funnily enough. xD
Damn what did you search to get that up, I thought I tried all the obvious combinations haha. Now to find a picture of each so I can recognise it on cards easier
Just found some website with a list of promos and consequently what type of foil they came in. :p

Well, uh, the Cosmos Foil is that spotty one on like everything. That's a start, at least. x----x;
Yeah, think I've learnt cosmos and cracked ice haha. I'm trying to get pics of all the cards in my checklist. Will take me a long time

S-tier: base set, ex unseen forces

piss-tier: everything else
I'm surprised it's called Crosshatch foil....

the common term is Stitch Foil in a lot of TCGs.