Ruling Holon Circle, The truth . . .

Dark Trainer

He is again found walking in the streets
Ok. Lets get this straight. We all know that the card holon circle is a very disruptive card. But some people get confused w/ its instructions. Now i wanna challenge the experts out there of what do you think of this card and to answer the truth about this card.
is just a stadium that stop both player pkm attack ...when this card put in play !!!!! if your opponent or you attack discard the stadium and the attack from opponent or was negated ... clear ??
No need to say anything because the Compendium gave the answer almost 10 days ago...
The Compendium said:
== HOLON CIRCLE (EX:Crystal Guardians)

* Holon Circle works like this: You announce the attack - before ANYTHING else, the attack ends. No "Smokescreen", no Spinda, no discarding cards...nothing. (Nov 16, 2006 PUI Rules Team)
Do people understand now or does it have to be made any clearer?