Honchkrow SV in Lostgar


Aspiring Trainer

If you run out of things to lostzone in their hand, you can darkness restore an unown Q then knock it out with cursed droplets.

If they continue to play their pokemon, or have none left in their deck/hand, seeker one up and then restore a pokemon (smeargle, spiritomb, etc) so they can't replay their pokemon.

Combo it with unown Q for free retreat
Even with free retreat, you still need to get Honchkrow active (for the Power) and then back to the bench again, wasting trainers. Otherwise it would be an okay idea, it's a decent Gyarados counter.
And then we wonder... how DID an Unown Q get into the discard pile?

Honestly, it'll be rare that you'll get a Pokémon with less than 50 HP in the discard pile, except against Gyarados. Otherwise, this doesn't work too well, because in MD-on, your opponent will have other things you can 2-shot OR Pokémon in his/her hand.
^And that helps how?

That takes at LEAST 2 turns to KO anything and send it to the LZ. And even at that, remember that the lower stage would have to have 40 or less HP... the only meta 'mon in that category is Magikarp (which will be gone soon), and the Babies (very limitedly, though). Remember, you can always Devolute something, but then they just Evolute it back unless it's KO'd...