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Honchrow Discard



Pokemon => 27
4 Sableye SF
4-4 Weavile UD
4-4 Honchrow UD
2/2 Absol G Lv.X
2 Uxie LA
1 Regice LA

Energias => 10
4 Sp. Dark
2 Basic Dark

Trainers => 23
3 Pokemon Collector
4 Sage's Training
3 Pokemon Communication
1 Luxury Ball
2 Expert Belt
3 Bebe's Search
2 Super Scoop Up
2 Seeker
3 Junk Arm


Discad poke DARK and Atk's Honchrow "Vegence"
I ran this deck at league, its fun, but not competitive. I also say to get rid of the DCE, reason being that it is useless since you want to special dark the crap out of one Honchkrow, then send it when it dies off and destroy more with the next one on the bench.

This was my list (I ommited 7 cards for you to put in anything else) you can refrence off of if you want to try to make it more competitive

4-4 Honchkrow UD (2 #15, 2 #16)
1-1 Weavile UD
1-1 Sharpedo TR (discard material)
4 Sableye UD ( you can get back your special darks with "pull out", not to mention 2 can be discard material)
2 Unown Dark (Special dark energy)
2 Spiritomb AR


4 Special Dark
8 Dark energy
2 Cyclone OR Rescue Energy (Your choice)


4 Bebes Search
3 Proffessor Oaks Visit
4 Junk Arm
2 Vs Seeker
4 Energy Exchanger
2 E-belt

That list has 53 Cards. Throw in anything else you like. You have plenty Pokemon to discard and the Tombs to set up if need be. For this deck to work you need to discard as many pokes as possible to power up Vengance. So having 20 is plenty. Good luck.