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Standard Hoopa EX / M Rayquaza EX


Athropomorphic Otter
Hey guys. I'm fairly new to the game after taking a hiatus for some time, last playing back in 2013 where i din't necessarily get fully into the game at the time. now that we have bigger base for locals (league i guess) play in my area, i decided to pick it up again. notably with my own creation, or as fr as i am aware of, Hoopa/Rayquaza Ramp.

Hoopa/Rayquaza EX Ramp is based on abusing Hoopa EX, whose ability allows it to search for any 3 EX pokemon and add it to your hand. This is a slight variation on Colorless Rayquaza, as the object is to Ramp faster into M-Ray EX before your opponent drops things like, Giratina EX and the new Stadium Color Drained City.

Pokemon: 20
  • 4 Hoopa EX
  • 4 Rayquaza EX (XY66 Promo)
  • 4 M Rayquaza EX
  • 3 Shaymin EX
  • 1 Virizion EX
  • 2 Sceptile EX
  • 2 M Sceptile EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 29
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 1 Computer Search
  • 3 Mega Turbo
  • 2 Switch
  • 3 Skyfield
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 3 Hex Maniac
  • 2 Energy Retrieval
  • 2 VS Seeker
  • 3 Rayquaza Spirit Link
  • 1 Sceptile Spirit Link
Energy: 11
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
  • 7 Grass Energy

The main strategy is to do what Rayquaza does. hit for 150+ using it's main attack. Hoopa provides ramp, which makes getting into rayquaza faster. Normally, i'd consider running 3 as 4 could clog, but it's for the off chance you have to start with Hoopa, or if 3 of them become your prize card. Hoopa's ability only activates when you bench her, so placing her as your active start is not optimal.

The only issues i see with this deck is not having a backup for Rayquaza. I've cocidered Raichu as normal Builds ran it, or even running Giratina, but Giratina clogged (primarily the 2 Psychic energy i ran for it) and i couldn't find space for the 4 cards needed for it.

M-Sceptile is pseudo backup, but has the ability to heal completely any 2 pokemon as long as i have Grass engery at hand, which is why i run Energy Retrival, a card not normaly run as far as i'm aware of. Hex maniac is going to be a staploe with Rayquaza since Giratina will most certainly be a thing.

One thing i'm concerned about is if i have too much ramp with 3 Shaymin, 4 Hoopa, 4 Juniper. I'm sure it'll be fine, but i'm worndering if that much ramp is need.

So, what do you guys think of this deck? i tried to give as much explanation as i could barring anything i would have missed due to me not knowing it heh. any suggestions and changes are welcome. thanks in advance guys.

Please bare in mind i have little knowledge of the meta at the moment. if something is on there that is rotated please let me know. Coming from another TCG i can build decks well, and chose what i though would be beneficial to the deck.
Could you please include scans / text for cards that have yet to be released from the next set? Thanks!
It honestly looks like you've got a bit too much ability-based search and draw that would clog up the engine. There is also the problem of decking out, which is very plausable in decks like this with the recent ban of Lysandre's Trump Card. I have concerns that Sceptile will also make the deck a bit too clunky, but let's just work around that.

Also, M-Sceptile-EX only heals 1 Pokemon through its attack. Nothing is rotated, btw, although things like Virizion-EX will likely rotate in the upcoming unannounced rotation.

-2 Hoopa-EX (You should find you won't need an insane 4 Hoopa. You may like to swap an Ultra Ball for a Hoopa, however. Just be wary of Silent Lab!)
-2 Hex Maniac (Giratina is one card. You will not need 2 just for a Giratina. You have pre-EXs to use with decent attacks, so you should use them.)
-1 Rayquaza-EX (See below.)
-1 Mega-Rayquaza (Four Mega Ray honestly will clunk up your deck especially with the Sceptile addition.)
-0/1 Mega Turbo (Only cut this for space for the Exeggucute. You don't have any reliable way to get Mega Turbo into the discard, and thus could be a dead card during certain points of the game.)

+1 N (Disruption + draw can be very useful in games. Soon to rotate, however, so be cautioned.)
+2 Colress (Amazing draw with Skyfield. Soon to rotate, however, so be cautioned.)
+1 VS Seeker (Consistency.)
+1 Sacred Ash (You'll need it.)
+1/2 Exeggucute w/Propogation (You may like looking into this. Propogation is quite outstanding when discarding. Soon to rotate, however, so be cautioned.)