3-3 Houndoom UD
2-2 Slowking HGSS
1-1 Noctowl (promo)
2 Uxie LA
4 Sableye SF
1 Unown Q
1 Azelf LA
3 Judge
4 Bebe's
3 Communication
2 Cyrus’s Intiative
1 Lookers Investigation
1 Luxury Ball
2 Collectors
2 Energy Exchanger
8 Darkness Energy
4 Special Darkness Energy
Strategy: Discard cards from your opponents hand with Houndoom and doing damage while you control what your opponent gets from his deck and making sure your work doesn't go for nothing with Noctowl (for instance Noctowl can see if your opponent has a card to break the control cycle). Sableye is for being a starter as well as a possible donk.
Please help with the T/S/S engine!
2-2 Slowking HGSS
1-1 Noctowl (promo)
2 Uxie LA
4 Sableye SF
1 Unown Q
1 Azelf LA
3 Judge
4 Bebe's
3 Communication
2 Cyrus’s Intiative
1 Lookers Investigation
1 Luxury Ball
2 Collectors
2 Energy Exchanger
8 Darkness Energy
4 Special Darkness Energy
Strategy: Discard cards from your opponents hand with Houndoom and doing damage while you control what your opponent gets from his deck and making sure your work doesn't go for nothing with Noctowl (for instance Noctowl can see if your opponent has a card to break the control cycle). Sableye is for being a starter as well as a possible donk.
Please help with the T/S/S engine!