How Does ZekEels beat Quad Terrakion?

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
I'm trying to find out what good strategy is best for ZekEels to take out Terrakion. I've tried using Mewtwo EX and Tornadus and I've noticed I suffer a bit from opening the game with Zekrom EX as it doesn't do me any good in the matchup at all.

Landorus of course is amazing with Terrakion as well as Shaymin UL for Celebration Wind. Should I just wait til Tornadus EX is released in Dark Explorers? You think Darkrai EX will make Terrakion decks a powerhouse only needing to use Dark Energy to give Terrakion free retreat?
RE: How Does ZekEel beat Quad Terrakion?

...please, no. Tornadus EX does not help at all against Terrakion when using ZekEels.. I can't think of why Terrakion would ever want to retreat since the only Pokemon you even run are Terrakion, and Darkrai EX would just make the deck clunky and inconsistent. Same with Shaymin, I can't think of any scenario when I would rather use Shaymin over Switch and its a bad starter and a catcher bait. I can't think of any scenarios when Landorus is better than Terrakion though while Landorus fails to OHKO Regigigas and Zekrom EX, can be OHKOed by Reshiram BW, and opens your Terrakion to OHKO by Zekrom and Reshiram BW.

If your problem is starting with Zekrom EX, just run a few more Switch to help go to the attacker that is best. Tornadus or Mewtwo really are the best counters unless you want to chance luck with Zapdos and possibly Refliptini (I wouldn't recommend it though).
I've tried Mewtwo EX and Tornadus, it doesn't seem like they are good enough especially when Landorus can 2HKO Tornadus with Gaia Hammer. Zapdos doesn't do any good with Random Spark when most of their Basics are higher than 50 HP, so perhaps Articuno would work better since it's also a decent counter to Donphan.

If I run more Switch over Skyarrow that leaves them with running Ruins of Alph to neutralize my Resistance to Fighting and Tornadus won't be able to take a hit without an Eviolite attached. Terrakion usually gets a better advantage against Mewtwo EX anyway with either Land Crush or Retaliate.
People do run Landorus because it is an amazing starter, and can hit for 80 turn 2. But the best counter is Tornadus with an Eviolite. Just beware of the Lost Removers, because they will screw you over fast.
IMO, Darkrai EX just makes Terrakion Worse. Terrakion doesn't need to retreat in the first place, so why would they need help doing it. To beat Terrakion, it is good to play a few copies of both Eviolite and SSU. Those both help the matchup significantly and allow you to keep your Mewtwo as long as possible.
iisnumber12 said:
IMO, Darkrai EX just makes Terrakion Worse. Terrakion doesn't need to retreat in the first place, so why would they need help doing it. To beat Terrakion, it is good to play a few copies of both Eviolite and SSU. Those both help the matchup significantly and allow you to keep your Mewtwo as long as possible.

But what about Darkrai EX against Donphan? I do agree with using SSU as I may need to run 2-3 in ZekEels.

venasour x said:
People do run Landorus because it is an amazing starter, and can hit for 80 turn 2. But the best counter is Tornadus with an Eviolite. Just beware of the Lost Removers, because they will screw you over fast.

Dark Void said:
If your problem is starting with Zekrom EX, just run a few more Switch to help go to the attacker that is best. Tornadus or Mewtwo really are the best counters unless you want to chance luck with Zapdos and possibly Refliptini (I wouldn't recommend it though).

Donphan/Mewtwo EX/Rocky Helmet already seems like it would screw me over faster than Quad Terrakion running Lost Remover, sure Tornadus with Eviolite is good against Donphan but yeah I did sort of get screwed over by Lost Remover when I played against Terrakion but what really hurt me was opening the game with Zekrom EX and/or benching it.
Card Slinger J said:
Donphan/Mewtwo EX/Rocky Helmet already seems like it would screw me over faster than Quad Terrakion running Lost Remover, sure Tornadus with Eviolite is good against Donphan but yeah I did sort of get screwed over by Lost Remover when I played against Terrakion but what really hurt me was opening the game with Zekrom EX and/or benching it.

How many Zekrom EXs do you play?
Card Slinger J said:
But what about Darkrai EX against Donphan? I do agree with using SSU as I may need to run 2-3 in ZekEels.

Donphan/Mewtwo EX/Rocky Helmet already seems like it would screw me over faster than Quad Terrakion running Lost Remover, sure Tornadus with Eviolite is good against Donphan but yeah I did sort of get screwed over by Lost Remover when I played against Terrakion but what really hurt me was opening the game with Zekrom EX and/or benching it.

Card Slinger J said:
2 of the EX and 2 Regular to deal with Durant, why?

Well then run 1 Zekrom EX and don't bench it.
You use Mewtwi with Eviolite. They 3hko you while you can ohko them.
Unfortunately I'm only able to 2HKO Terrakion with Mewtwo EX cause I don't get enough damage with X Ball since I need DCE and 2 energy attached for the KO.

However they are smart enough to only have 2 for Retaliate and save the 3rd attachment on Terrakion after they Retaliate for the KO since they do 90 with Land Crush or a boosted Retaliate.

Mewtwo has 80 left, they do 60 more damage with Retaliate and If they have Rocky Helmet attached to Terrakion that's 2 prizes for them If not then Land Crush already does enough for the KO.
Attach Eviolite to a Mewtwo. Don't drop a Mewtwo if you can't Eviolite it the same turn. Attach a DCE to the Mewtwo. Dynamotor x2, Pluspower. OHKO the active Terrakion. Switch, Dynamotor xX, sweep.

NEVER play down a Zekrom EX. If you happen to start with it you might as well scoop.
alexmf2 said:
NEVER play down a Zekrom EX. If you happen to start with it you might as well scoop.

Zekrom EX isn't bad for taking the last prize card. Also, I totally disagree on the scooping thing. If they KO Zek EX, that is another turn your Mewtwo is around.
It was an exaggeration, but it is true to a point. They get a free 2 prizes, which puts you far behind on the prize trade.
It turns out that almost every game against Terrakion comes down to a prize trade. There is rarely a complete shutdown and beatdown. That's why laying down Zekrom EX is so terrible unless you're taking the last prize with it, or if it's to OHKO a Terrakion active while they missed an energy drop or EXP Share drop last turn, meaning there is no possiblity of them Retaliating.
Zapdos is a neat little tech. If you plan it out right, you almost one shot the active with all the energy, next turn drop the Zapdos, catcher a different Terrakion to the active slot, and then snipe the benched Terrakion with the energy. Since it is no longer the active pokemon, non of the other EXP. Share's are activated :D Or you could sweep with an eviolite'd Mewtwo. Those are your only options.
Catcher up a Terrakion as quick as you can, KO it with PlusPower + Zekrom Bolt Strike (<-- Preferably) or Zekrom EX. Then let them KO you. Put up M2 with Eviolite and KO everything.