Ruling How many basic pokemon do u hav in ur deck?


Aspiring Trainer
i got a question =) How many basic pokemon does you guys have at the least in your deck?
mine mostly has 10-12 maximum.
does 7-8 basic pokemon work?
share your views =)
wun u guys have prob getting basic pokemon when starting?
or juz heck care and let opp draw extra card?
I have 9 Poke' in my deck, and sometimes i don't get any ba6. and sometimes it can be really painful. eg. i have no ba6 in my startin' hand, and my opp gets Totodile d and rare candy. i get another hand, opp draws `gatr d...and i'm playing T-tar d ex deck...140 damage per turn(Sharp Fang + Battle Aura + WK).
i guess getting too little basic pokemon can be really bad for getting a bad starting hand >.<"
Let's see. Deck 1: 3 Magnemites, 2 Koffing, Mewtwo δ HP. That's 6, though not counting the Root Fossils.
DEck 2: 3 Gastlys, 3 Clamperls, 2 Wynaut, 2 Wobbuffet, Misdreavus. 11.
Deck 3: 2 Tyrogues, 1 Hitmonchan, 1 Hitmontop, 1 Corsola, 1 Nosepass. Without the Mysterious Fossils, 6.