How Many of you Actually Donked??


I wanna know, with all the hype around Donk decks, how many times you were actually able to pull of a donk.

At my tournies, there's about 2-3 people boasting that they never got donked before.

I ran Champ at my cities. 5 rounds, I had the Donk in my hand.. but.. 4 out of those 5 times, I had to go first. And that 5th time.. well..

It was my first match of the tourney. Coin was flipped, I go second. I carefully, nervously look at my hand as my opponent lays down 1 basic. I see..

Stark Mountain..
Call Energy..
Rare Candy..

ooo ooo!!

Bebes Search!

I thought to myself... "Nice. First match. I got this." Then.. the UNTHINKABLE happens.

My friend next to me accidentally knocks over my prize card. I pick it up without even seeing what it was. I put it in my prizes and shuffle the prizes. Keep in mind the match hasn't even started yet. We were waiting for the Tourney leader to give us the go ahead. The guy sitting diagonal from me, happens to be a judge. And tells me that I have to Shuffle EVERYTHING back into my hand.

I have the biggest "What.. the.. h/ll.." face on. But.. being the good guy I am, without any questions.. I shuffle my donk back into my hand.. draw a new hand.. and am forced to start with Unown G, and no Call. Thank God I top decked Machop and had Roseannes in my hand.

But.. on a happier note.. I won the match. It was a Leafeon deck I faced btw. And he took mad control early game (What do you expect, I had an Unown G start) but I was able to make my comeback, and won the match.

To summarize.. to this day, I have yet to Donk 1 legal, Tourney match. I've donked myself, when practicing, but that doesn't count. Not for this thread it doesn't!

And how about yourself?
RE: How Many of you Actually Donked?

I can tell you that chanman45 donks waaaay too many times,

but I love T1 Sableye donk. Done that at least ten times by now.
RE: How Many of you Actually Donked?

Haha today I donked Rory with a Bidoof.
He had a solo Unown Q start.
RE: How Many of you Actually Donked?

Sure have, Just a simple heads with a DP Riolu against a DP Elekid...
RE: How Many of you Actually Donked?

I've had lots of T1s with my new rampardos deck 4/5 times i get it ti, not necessarily a donk but.
I've donked with Togekiss and Regigigas a couple times and won on the same turn. I've also been donked by Machamp T3...
RE: How Many of you Actually Donked?

My league has a tournament every weekend and twice (once using Kingdra and once using Machamp) I donked through the whole tournament. Needless to say that it was a pretty boring tournament for me. I think I was only "playing" for like 10 minutes if you add up all my game times together. =[
RE: How Many of you Actually Donked?

Not been donked, never donked. Good thing too, I hate people who are proud on their donk wins.
RE: How Many of you Actually Donked?

It was with Kingdra before SF came out. I think I may have donked someone once in a BR. It was topcut and the first game I donked him. He then donked me game 2. So that was 2/3 of our topcut in less than 10 minutes. And then game 3 I got the T1 Kingdra, but he wassmart to actually put Duskull as his start instead of the lone Horsea. So there you go 3 donks in 1 topcut. I donked twice and was donked once. And in the regular matches against this same person I got donked by him. We finished out topcut in about 40 minutes total. Becuase the BR took place in a sports card shop there was football game happening on the TV. We had fun seeing if we could finish our last game before the football game could end (it was in the last quarter).
I admit I hate donking decks (using them and playing against) and Sableye because just starting with any of my pokemon in my Dusknoir deck against Sableye makes it so frustrating (especially agaisnt T-Tar where they actually play Dark Energy).
RE: How Many of you Actually Donked?

Those are very nice stories lol.

What I actually meant, was how many of you who actually built a deck around donking or possible donks (Kingdra, Machamp) have actually been successful?

I have nothing against donk decks, it just sucks to be the one who get's donked. And I truly do feel bad when I actually witness somebody get donked.

And Lou, you're very right. To get donked is one thing, but people who brag about it and boast about it, is another.

It's weird. I like when I donk people, honestly. But when I get donked, or witness somebody get donked, I feel really bad lol.
RE: How Many of you Actually Donked?

I actually think there's an art to making a trainer list, in a deck, that can donk consistently. Donking doesn't take much playing skill, but it takes a good deck to do it. If you can on a regular basis, you SHOULD feel proud. But not if you got a random Sableye donk.

lol@Cypher, and his having no good Kingdras or Machamps in his area. :D
RE: How Many of you Actually Donked?

Cat-O-Ninetails said:
Kountless Kingdra DonKs

Going first with a Gible and no bench versus a T1 Kingdra = Sad Christmas. :(

My Garchomp deck isn't really keeping up anymore, I'm afraid. It got eaten for breakfast by a Kingdra deck and a Machamp deck last tourney I played. Fortunately, the Machamp deck wasn't a donk.
RE: How Many of you Actually Donked?

I donked a couple of times using kingdra when i top 2 during one of battle roads. However, the deck was not meant to maximize donking but rather late game consistency and aqua stream every 2-3 turns; kingdra with claydol and mt bronzong(2).
I donked countless times with machamp. yes, it was built to donk with machamp and banette.
RE: How Many of you Actually Donked?

George2FRESH said:
What I actually meant, was how many of you who actually built a deck around donking or possible donks (Kingdra, Machamp) have actually been successful?
The only stall deck I can think of is Mr.Mime/Unown G/? that could hold off a T2 donk. The only thing I tell you is just hope for the best and not to get donked.
donk 1: opponent starts with hoppip pass i attch energy to burmy pluspower ko.

donk 2: sableye energy kill gastly

donk 3 best donk ever he goes attacks with horsea my magicarp 10 damage on it draw play unown p put 1 damage on magicarp attach play 3 pluspowers (WOW LOL) and donk a kingdra deck and he had the candy, kingdra in his hand!!!
RE: How Many of you Actually Donked?

My first donk....
It was a bright autumn day, I was at Battle Roads in a nice town in New England...
Moving on now,

I went first with Shinx, used his charge up attack or whatever it is, and attach an energy.
Other dude starts with lone Magnemite, no replacements.
Next turn, I attach another energy, Bebe a Luxio, and attack for 70 for the win. :D

I was very pleased with myself. :D

Lou Cypher said:
Not been donked, never donked. Good thing too, I hate people who are proud on their donk wins.
You hate me? :'(
RE: How Many of you Actually Donked?

i donked again in cities this last weekend... we both had unown G and i went first. no other pokes for him = ;)
RE: How Many of you Actually Donked?

Never been donked, but I did donk with so many things. I got 4 heads on Cherubi and donked a Larvitar and won the game. Sableye start with dark energy. And I used Machamp so many times, Kingdra like about 90 times. And also did Electrode SW T1 with Rare Candy and then DRE. Boom, what a big 90 damage.