How many people play in your league/tournament?


Aspiring Trainer
Hey peeps

been working on a businesses plan for school and wanted to figure out some info about TCG in general but also wanted see what was up with people here

How many people play in your league/tournament?

I know in are big tourneys we have about 50 - 60 in masters maybe like 20 in seniors and like 10 in juniors
The average turnout for my league each week is about 8 to 10 people. On weekends where tourneys are going on (my league meets on Saturday afternoons), the turnout is about 4 to 6, and just after tourneys are over the turnout tends to be quite high, like 12 to 15.

As for tournaments? That's a whole other story:

(These numbers are combined across all divisions, but the Masters are at least 80% of those, except at States and Regionals where it's more like 50%):
~Battle Roads: At least 45 people, although it's been known to go as high as 120. 60 is the average.
~Cities: At least 60 people, with 80 being the average. The highest number is probably above 100 as well.
~States: About 500 people, half of which are Masters, half of which are divided 50-50 about between Juniors and Seniors
~Regionals: Same as States, except there's only 400 people
yeah that morrisville league has a good amount of people.
For Seniors alone, BRs and Cities have 10-15, but Morrisville usually has over 20.
Regionals, I've only been to 2, but there are about 80 both times. Don't remember States, but both the ones I've been to had a top8. Nats has like 400-500 Seniors XD
I'd say the average is around 23 people or so at the Leagues I go too, not including 2 League Coordinators. Thankfully, they are willing to battle the odd man/woman out :).
East Coast:

Leagues: 20-40 total
BRs: 2-10 Juniors, 15-30 Seniors, 30-80 Masters
Cities: ^ except 40-90 masters
States: 10 Juniors, 20-50 Seniors, 175+ Masters
Regs: 50 Juniors, 80ish Seniors, 300 masters
I think our league has like 15 or 16 visitors if everyone was there but often there are only like 7 people (it's a league in Finland).

Let me see... me, Abs, Eer, hea, (hea2), BB, Ket, Ket2, boy, Rox, Wak, Haga, bad, Gin, guy1, guy2. Yeah... Some of them come to play mahjong instead of Pokémon...
My league is Magic/Pokemon/Naruto mixture and about 15 people play Magic and about 12 play Pokemon at my league and theres also like 4 people that play Naruto.
afrokid said:
Hey peeps

been working on a businesses plan for school and wanted to figure out some info about TCG in general but also wanted see what was up with people here

How many people play in your league/tournament?

I know in are big tourneys we have about 50 - 60 in masters maybe like 20 in seniors and like 10 in juniors

i play in tonaments at ai comics roseville and they meet on sundays from 1230 to 5
theres usually 5-6 rouds and its not devided by age, also very casual and many people to trade with

theres usually between 15 and 30 people there