How much are these cards worth?


Team Phoenix
Hi, I was just wondering how much these cards are worth, they are all English and from the Platinum set. If anyone know how much these are worth in GBP(£) that would be even more helpful.

Giratina Lv.X
Palkia G Lv.X
Shiny Swablu
I'd say like 30$ for each individual Lv.X, and 20$ for the shiny Swablu, but I'd sell them for 100$ all together while they're still prereleased cards.
^30$ each!? i'd say about 25-30 for giratina, 10-15 for palkia, and about 5-8 for swablu.
well still sell them for extra while Platinum's not in stores!
None of you are close:

Giratina LV X: $17 (going to be in a tin...)
Palkia G LV X: $14 (really not THAT good)
ShinySwablu: $11 (come on, swablu?)