How much to cost?


Skitty is so cute! <3
When DP: Platinum comes, what will these cards cost then?


3 Squrtle PT
2 Wartortle PT
3 Blastoise PT
2 Skitty PT
2 Delcatty PT
2 Dialga PT
2 Dialga LV. X PT
4 Rare Candy
3 Energy Pickup
1 PokeDrawer+
1 Premier Ball
3 Rainbow Energy
2 Health Energy

I am willing to give Pikachu (ADVENTCALENDAR) and Gliscor Lv. X for these and some money, how much?

Write like this:

1 Regi Lv X = 29.99$
There is no way to know until they come out, and even then prices will vary depending where you buy them. Once they come out, just do an Ebay, Cardorder, etc. search. I'd guess that Dialga LV. X won't be cheap whereas you could probably get a Blastioise for around 6 dollars if you're lucky.
There is no Dialga LV.X in Platinum but Dialga G LV.X (Dialga =/= Dialga G) and it has no Tin (the one with Tin is Dialga LV.X (non G))
There is going to be a Dialga G Lv.X available in a Tin, same as Giratina Lv.X and Shaymin Lv.X (Sky). If in England the tins cards cost £3.99, just convert that into your currency.
No, the Dialga in the Spring Tin is a common Dialga, not the G one.

Front Page: Wednesday said:
The Spring Collector's Tins previously posted about will come with Dialga LV.X, Giratina LV.X (Origin Forme), and Shaymin LV.X (Sky Forme). All three LV.X's are reprints, though Shaymin and Giratina (from Galactic's Conquest) feature English-exclusive artwork that has never been on a Japanese card.
It says that but it might be that since dialga g is not offically realesed yet that they might just be a stand in and they will really have dialga g in the tin.
PokeKid Brandon said:
It says that but it might be that since dialga g is not offically realesed yet that they might just be a stand in and they will really have dialga g in the tin.

Quit lying, Read the homepage