When DP: Platinum comes, what will these cards cost then?
3 Squrtle PT
2 Wartortle PT
3 Blastoise PT
2 Skitty PT
2 Delcatty PT
2 Dialga PT
2 Dialga LV. X PT
4 Rare Candy
3 Energy Pickup
1 PokeDrawer+
1 Premier Ball
3 Rainbow Energy
2 Health Energy
I am willing to give Pikachu (ADVENTCALENDAR) and Gliscor Lv. X for these and some money, how much?
Write like this:
1 Regi Lv X = 29.99$
3 Squrtle PT
2 Wartortle PT
3 Blastoise PT
2 Skitty PT
2 Delcatty PT
2 Dialga PT
2 Dialga LV. X PT
4 Rare Candy
3 Energy Pickup
1 PokeDrawer+
1 Premier Ball
3 Rainbow Energy
2 Health Energy
I am willing to give Pikachu (ADVENTCALENDAR) and Gliscor Lv. X for these and some money, how much?
Write like this:
1 Regi Lv X = 29.99$