How much will it cost to go to the Call of Legends Prerealese?

This belongs in the Prerelease Forum.


dmaster out.
Generally, the fee for a prerelease is $25. You will receive 6 packs from the new set, out of which you'll make a 40 card deck (basic energies are usually provided). Standardly for prerelease, you will also receive a promo card and a pack of sleeves; however I've heard no news on whether or not Call of Legends are giving out either of those things.
And, I don't know if this is typical, but some TOs will give the players 2 extra packs of CoL if they stay all the way to the end of the tournament. (Mine does, anyway.)

So yeah, the $25 payment goes toward the packs. You're basically paying for the packs you will be playing with. And yes, you get to take all the pack cards home with you after you're done. [/fuller-explanation]
If you check the thread I posted about the pre-releases in my area, you will see that the TO is giving 8 packs(2 at the end), a promo card, and a deck box.
Besides the main event, there's usually a side event, which is usually another seaked draft. This works the same as before - pay your $25, get 6 packs and build a 40-card deck out of it. However, you get 3 packs instead of 2 at the side event.
^Typically, card sleeves are given out; however, there has been news about deck boxes being given out at the Call of Legends prerelease (although whether card sleeves will be given out in addition to the box remains to be seen).