How much would you pay for this?

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Aspiring Trainer
I'm thinking about having a bid, let me know what you'd pay!
I think that would've probably gone for at least 90 dollar here in Sweden, and thats probably what I would've been willing to give. Maybe more :p I mean, I just saw a base set 2 played Poliwrath go for 7 dollars :p
Deck wins with no Energy?

Christopher Wheeler, an up and coming pokemon player has created a deck that wins with NO ENERGIES!!! He took 2nd in his first tournament ever and it kind of grabbed my attention, I spoke with him and he was talking about this deck he made that runs on soley pokemon abilities and tool scrapper (garbodor) do this seem strange to you? For a moment I thought he was insane until he broke it down. It went something like having aggrons/spligiphs/and draggions given it doesnt have a weakness and 100 hp. Kind of interesting. He said hed showcase it at regionals, intersting or stupid?
RE: Did you hear???

I could see something like this in the realm of possibility. Aggron/Sableye already runs very very few Dark Energies in the first place and solely uses Junk Hunt which doesn't even do damage (can pull off a Night Spear but should not be a regular thing).

Sigilyph is a nice inclusion and forces them to use normal attackers. I don't know how good something like that might be though, but I suppose we'll just have to wait and see.

dmaster out.
RE: Did you hear???

You mean this, right:

How is that even supposed to win?
RE: Did you hear???

Druddigon or Sigilyph in the Active Position with Rocky Helmet, with Aggron in the back row milling cards repeatedly. Seems legit, really; I wouldn't doubt it, because, like dmaster said, Aggron/Sableye doesn't run very much Energy to begin with. Scrapping it completely to rely just on Aggron and adding other cards in its place is not something I'd doubt.

I'd like to know where he won and in what division, though. It may shed some light on the matter.
RE: Did you hear???

Teal said:
You mean this, right:

How is that even supposed to win?

Im thinking its to stall, durants gets koed one hit always, and draggion has 100hp with no weakness. personally id think more on wailord or maybe a buffalant although their weakness against eelectric and fighting might be why the wasnt useing them.

Deus: Nightmare Autarch said:
Druddigon or Sigilyph in the Active Position with Rocky Helmet, with Aggron in the back row milling cards repeatedly. Seems legit, really; I wouldn't doubt it, because, like dmaster said, Aggron/Sableye doesn't run very much Energy to begin with. Scrapping it completely to rely just on Aggron and adding other cards in its place is not something I'd doubt.

I'd like to know where he won and in what division, though. It may shed some light on the matter.

It was at the maryland DRX pre release,masters. he had a registeel and roserade deck. he was talking about the deck he was going to make, and through facebook i was told its working rather good through testing although he did mention maybe throwing in dce to retreat draggion when needed
RE: Did you hear???

> second at pre release with a different deck
RE: Did you hear??? he came in a prerelease. Big deal. Has he actually tested this deck idea in a tourney situation?

By the way, I'm pretty sure the reason Druddigon was chosen is because of Rough Skin. And the no-weakness helps too.
RE: Did you hear???

trunks592002 said:
It was at the maryland DRX pre release,masters. he had a registeel and roserade deck. he was talking about the deck he was going to make, and through facebook i was told its working rather good through testing although he did mention maybe throwing in dce to retreat draggion when needed

This has dishonored Maryland.


The deck wouldn't be good anyways though. Even Aggron uses energy. mod should lock/
RE: Deck wins with no Energy?

Make your topic titles more descriptive. I have changed it for you.
RE: Deck wins with no Energy?

I played chandelure/tropical beach/switch/Max potion for. iTunes last year, yielding good results. It played zero energy.
RE: Did you hear???

Glace said:
This has dishonored Maryland.


The deck wouldn't be good anyways though. Even Aggron uses energy. mod should lock/
Why should they lock it? So what if the deck isn't good, we can still discuss it...
(Although 2nd at a prerelease isn't something to write home about lol)
RE: Deck wins with no Energy?

RogueChomp said:
druddigon wasnt in drx. how could he use it at a prerelease?

OP said the guy was talking about a deck he was going to make including Druddigon while he was at the prerelease...
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