how much...

You don't buy a box retail. You will be paying over 130.00 US for one. Online, you can usually find them for around 80-100 each. Saves you a little bit.

And AU is australian currency.
they dont sell boxes. you'd be buying individual blisters at 3.99 each, which once you get 36 packs....and tax....would be a lot more than online.
Chatot Brains said:
no im pretty sure you can buy boxes cant you (secretsof2113 don't answer this question)

You can, but not not at larger stores like the ones you are asking, as she said, they usually only sell them in blisters for 3.99 a piece. Which if you were to buy the amount of packs you would find in a box, you would be paying 143 american dollars for them, that is also not including tax which is a heavy rip off, so I would not waste your time. Look online, you'll find it better there than in any store.

Also, don't ask a question in the first place if you don't want an answer. Just because you think you are right doesn't mean you are, so don't go telling people not to answer the question if you didn't want an answer in the first place. Thats very rude.
I buy them in a hobby shop for around 100 bucks. i think thats the cheapest price youll get in a store.
There's individual retailer hobby shops, and they have different names and prices wherever you go. So you just have to find a card shop around your area, and if you can't, go online...though I would go online first.
No, but there are definately more than one. Perhaps you should check in the Nintendo shop on Manhattan (where the old Pokemon Center was)?
Chatot Brains said:
what is au because if thats in american dollars than thats a total rip off

Where she lives her prices are very expensive. Our American dollar goes a very long way there. 1 Euro is around $1.40 or something to that extent.:)
boxes in local card shops in az is around 100 to 117 \including the tax in it.i mean i got a box of md for 117 dollars