How old are you?

Who old are you

  • 10 years old or less

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • 11

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 12

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • 13

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • 14

    Votes: 4 10.5%
  • 15

    Votes: 4 10.5%
  • 16-18

    Votes: 8 21.1%
  • 19

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • 20

    Votes: 4 10.5%
  • 21+

    Votes: 6 15.8%

  • Total voters


Aspiring Trainer
i m almost 22... i m 5'11, 220 lbs and a bodybuilder.. i can prolly beet most ya up on this site (no offesne)...

but seriously maybe i should get into magic? isnt this game for really young kids? i feel ashamed sometimes to admit that i recently started collecting some pokemon cards since i m older then the target age group for this game.. Maybe cause im in college studyin to be a engineer i need some "magical non-realistic place" to escape to.. or maybe i ve become attracted to this game cause i recently stoped playin addicting battlenet games.. i duno

It dosen't matter what age you are. Yamoto, one of the best players in the world, is around the same age as you and plays. I find nothing wrong with adults playing.
the masters at my place are mostly above 18.there a plenty of 20-24.and 1 of them are shame dude
Age doesn't even matter with this game. I'm 22 myself, and I play the game quite a bit. Most of my friends know that I play, and yeah, they laugh about it for a little while, and then they realize that it's a fun hobby for me. Just because you aren't part of the target audience doesn't mean you should stop playing. As long as you are having fun...that's all that matters.
You're never too old! I'm 26. I've seen a 60-70 year old granny play the game at nationals and many others in worlds. How can anyone say they are too old for this game?
Mewstor said:
You're never too old! I'm 26. I've seen a 60-70 year old granny play the game at nationals and many others in worlds. How can anyone say they are too old for this game?

well i m not exactly saying that... but you mean to tell me if u got up to some really hot women somewhere.. i mean a gourgous chick.. an i tell her "hey i play pokemon".. chances are she'd never talk to me again...
Legendsneverdie said:
Mewstor said:
You're never too old! I'm 26. I've seen a 60-70 year old granny play the game at nationals and many others in worlds. How can anyone say they are too old for this game?

well I m not exactly saying that... but you mean to tell me if u got up to some really hot women somewhere.. I mean a gourgous chick.. an I tell her "hey I play pokemon".. chances are she'd never talk to me again...

Well, if someone cannot accept you as you are, they are not worth your attention.

I met my bf at my pokemon league ;)
Legendsneverdie said:
I m almost 22... I m 5'11, 220 lbs and a bodybuilder.. I can prolly beet most ya up on this site (no offesne)...

a gun???

from what ive noticed older players seem to bring SotG
Legendsneverdie said:
well I m not exactly saying that... but you mean to tell me if u got up to some really hot women somewhere.. I mean a gourgous chick.. an I tell her "hey I play pokemon".. chances are she'd never talk to me again...

Well im sort of having the smae problem.. I am 15 years old and ALL my friends stopped playing for like 6 years ago so most of them dont remember that they have done it. I still play and i enyoy it a lot. but my friends dont know that im playing and if they would i would be like castaway? xD(dont know the english word but i hope you still get it)
so know im thinking about quitting with pokemon.. but i have gotten like addicted to the game so i cant quit.. its like smoking or something (not that i smoke, god i am only fiftenn years old)
And also there is that hot girl that i know that would totatly dump me if i told her i like pokemon..
^ If she would dump you because of that, then she isn't a real friend, right?

I'm 14 years old and one of the ONLY ones who like it in school and admits it. Most don't admit it because they might think they will be laughed at by their peers. But the question is; Who controls your life? You or your peers? If your schoolmates/classmates/Friends can't accept who you are, then you leave them alone and do what YOU want(as long as it doesn't break any law :p) to do.
Haha, my friend and I both played a round of Pokémon for an entire hour during our last day of Drafting Class (We're both Seniors). We played it on a projector for the entire class to see.

No shame. Be proud of what you enjoy.
I'm 20, and have started getting all my friends addicted to Pokemon. I used to be ashamed and my parents were sort of embarrassed I played, so I stopped for a couple years. Then I realized that if I have fun with it, I should be able to play, so I do. My parents don't know, and I'm okay with that. I just buy my cards when I'm away at college.
21 and, like 12 at heart. Like the guy above, I too used to play quite often. Then a little after the time Diamond and Pearl (DS game) came out, I started to pick up the TCG after about 6 years of not playing.
21, have a hot chick, and shout to the world i play. When people get to know you, they can accept that its one of your features, and its your hobby. Its not all what you are. I love pokemon since i was 12, and i cant stop playin the games and tcg. i have had 3 beautiful girls in this process and each of them had accepted me with pokemon, even they didnt like it. ive just finished university. Theres no age for having fun and being happy, people get depressed because they forgot how to be kids somwhere in their lives....they forgot how to laugh, how to act silly, how to get excited (for pulling some lvx!). Think about it...Pokemon its a way to have fun, with your friends, developing strategies, colletcing something, sharing moments, and feel good. Is it better to drink, drugg yourself, and have sex with strangers to have fun? is that the life you want to live? so empty? so meaningless?
If you want an advise, because i know how people are, dont tell them you play until they get to know you a bit, because if you tell em at first glance, they will think wrong of you.
But if they know you as you are then tell em, a "normal" person will think its okay. Everybody has its secret hobbies, believe me ;)
Legendsneverdie said:
well I m not exactly saying that... but you mean to tell me if u got up to some really hot women somewhere.. I mean a gourgous chick.. an I tell her "hey I play pokemon".. chances are she'd never talk to me again...

Then obviously she's not the right person for you, if she's that shallow. But at the same time, you're no better by speaking of hot women. It makes it sound like all you care about is looks.