How old is "too old"?


You want a piece of me?
I'm 24 myself, and have been a collector ever since the base set emerged (around age 11 or so). I never fully stopped but have head year+ long hiatus's from purchasing cards because of the "I'm too old for this" mentality...mainly because of everyone else around me who seemed to grow out of it. Even now, I feel like slightly embarrassed to walk into a store and buy cards. I guess there are some things you just don't grow out of, though, especially when it's something you've invested so much in over the years.

What about you guys? Do you feel like you're too old at times? Do you have to cover up your purchases with an "oh, it's my nephews birthday" excuse? (guilty as charged)
I am 22 and I dont feel embarrassed. Pokémon is for everybody, age doesnt matter. And you can order cards from e-shop if you prefer.
I don't think there is an age that's too old. But than again, if there is I haven't reached that age and don't know how it would feel.

If you're embarrassed to buy packs, I would suggest going to a gaming or hobby store to buy cards. It's a nicer environment and people in card shops are not judgmental at all.
There seems to be this social stigma and perception that indulging in more "childish" (boy do I use that term loosely) activities/fandoms/leisure is a bad thing. We have such an amazing diversity in age in the Pokemon fandom which I rarely see elsewhere. A lot of the collectors I know are either the same age as me, or are quite older. Some of our best collectors start at the early 20s and go through to 50-60s range.

tl;dr never too old.
Youre never too old, but people look at you funny in places like Target, because Pokemon players are stereotyped to be young children.... Just look at Ash, hes been 10 for like 15 years
Pokemon is definitely thought of to be a little kids game by the general population (or a large number anyway). I'm 25 and I had to cover up the purchase of some boosters a couple months ago, but the check out lady was the one who initiated the entire thing: "So is this for a reward or a bribe?" My brain kind of hesitated for a bit and then I said "Reward" with a smile. A reward for myself! Oh well... I try not to worry about what others think of me or what I enjoy, be it "childish" or otherwise. I've spent too much of my life so far worrying about what others think.
There really isn't a "too old", I see 57 year old's playing with their kids in Cities/States and it's no big deal.

It's always a little awkward buying packs and stuff at popular chain stores (Target, Wal-mart), but whatever, you get over it.
Age 25 and I'm not embarrassed to buy packs at Target anymore. In fact, no one seems to really care what I buy anyways. There was this one guy at a video game store who looked at me weird and I felt quite angered by his unprofessional behavior, but it's not even worth saying anything. I'll probably never see these people anyways so it doesn't matter what they think anyways. And even if I did, I would not be embarrassed.
You are never to old for POkemon. Pokemon is fun in TCG and VG. NIntendo is one of the top selling companies ever. If someone says something to you, ignore it. Pokemon is also a way to meet lots of other people from anywhere in the world. You don't even have to have alot of money to play. $14 USD buys you a theme deck. From there you can buy packs or trade for new and good cards. Over time you can hone your skills and get better. Someday you might be a world champ. The video game costs $140ISH USD and time. I hope that you will never take an insult from anyone for liking pokemon. I hope this was inspiring.
How old is "too old"? Is not a question of age but a question of your state of mind. I feel my age, but I do not act it. Do not let the opinions of others affect you. People will always have their opinions. What you should drive, where you should live, who you should see, where you should work. These are all your decisions and you have to make them, right or wrong. How long you collect Pokémon is your decision, but I hope it is for a very long time.
As old as you are still having fun with the game. Old people play games... there is nothing wrong with that. You happen to like a game that is thought of as childish. Suck it up ;D If you are embarrassed to play the game, don't play it. Either "come out" or stop playing... you won't be happy with yourself if you do anything in between. I enjoy certain things: Pokemon, video games, and chatting. If anyone thinks I am immature for liking those things, it is their problem. The people who judge you probably shouldn't be your friends in the first place. Find people who like you for being you rather than people who judge your activities and judge them as "immature"... >.<
omahanime said:
How old is "too old"? Is not a question of age but a question of your state of mind. I feel my age, but I do not act it. Do not let the opinions of others affect you. People will always have their opinions. What you should drive, where you should live, who you should see, where you should work. These are all your decisions and you have to make them, right or wrong. How long you collect Pokémon is your decision, but I hope it is for a very long time.

It's all down to if you're enjoying it or not.
Plus, if people criticise you for it, mention the Worlds prize money and the average age group. ;)
I used to get some guff from a few people I knew, but once it became clear that I was invested in running events, they took the thought more seriously.

Oh, and haters gonna hate.
I've been told that I'm too old to play Pokemon since I was in fourth grade, believe it or not. It's mostly the anime's fault I believe, creating and enforcing a stereotype that Pokemon itself is corny and meant for 10 year olds who still watch cartoons. What people don't realise is how there is a lot of strategy involved in competitive Pokemon play, more than a lot of other games. Frankly, I compare Pokemon to chess-you can play on many different levels depending on your age group and really its suitable for some adults too.
I'm sure that most people under 20 will have played the VG (although most won't admit to it), and a lot of people over 20 will have, too. It's one of those things that most people will have done once in their life.
I also find it appalling how the childish animé becomes associated with everything Pokémon-related. The animé is giving the company a bad name, and I doubt many people would shed a tear if it was axed. It's clearly directed at pre-teens, whereas the cards have a note on boosters saying something like 'recommended for age 10 and up'. That shows that it takes some logic, and with current street values of metagame cards, and the prizes at stake, it's no wonder that the older generations get interested in it.

EDIT: Ninja'd. But I'm glad, because it shows that someone else had the identical thought to me about the anime without just agreeing with me.
^^Even though I don't particularly watch the anime anymore, I would probably be pretty upset if they discontinued it just because of sentimental value. :c

I know how you feel. Heck, I'm only 13, and that's considered "too old" by most of the people I know. Before league, I knew three other people in my area (and I know one more person who lives two hours away) that like Pokemon besides my sister.
Call me a loser, but I cover it up, really. Maybe I'll be more relaxed about the fact once I hit high school next year, but for now, I'm keeping my love for Pokemon a secret while still having fun.
lol duude I am almost 20 and I play the tcg :p I go to leagues with 10 year olds and other than my professor, im the only older person there. I always buy pokemon cards and I still watch the show and buy all the games. Who cares about growing up and changing, pokemon has always been my "escape" from hard times as a kid and it still is now : ) Its part of who I am and expresses a lot about me. Pokemon has and always will be a part of me!!!!! Even when im 70 i will be buying pokemon stuff!!!