Well, it might just be me but I can't think of a single advantageous matchup for KyuremGatr. Not even Mewbox; you set up a Feraligatr, Glaciate once, bringing 1 or 2 Mews down to 30, then they Sludge Drag your Feraligatr and because of the special condition it can't retreat and gets KOed by Mass Attack on the next turn. Then you bring up Kyurem, take two prizes, then that Kyurem gets 2HKOed and KyuremGatr loses since they can't set up another Gatr under trainer-lock, especially against Sludge Drag. I would think it would lose to the other dragons as well since they can OHKO Kyurem with a PlusPower while it fails to KO back, or they can Catcher Feraligatr and double PlusPower/2HKO that (OHKO regardless if Zekrom). GothReun can use Max Potion to keep the damage under control for the most part, especially if they don't have a full bench, and they can Catcher and 2HKO Feraligatrs and Kyurem. KyuremGatr will also have a hard time setting up if the G/R gets out a Gothitelle before they set up a Feraligatr, and it would be nearly impossible to set up a second after the first gets KOed. Matchups against The Truth would play out similarly to against G/R, but without Catcher. Are there any decks I missed that KyuremGatr actually wins against?