BW/BW2 How to catch Reshiram or Zekrom (dependent on game)


I am not dmaster, so be quiet.
How do you think you'll catch Reshiram or Zerom? In a cave after Team Plasma resurrect it? Post your thoughts here!
I don't know why I'm responding to this.

A cave.

Anything else would be unheard of.

Mewtwo - Cave
Lugia - Cave
Ho-oh - Building (Old and unused, like a cave)
Groudon - Cave
Kyogre - Underwater cave
Rayquaza - Building (Old and unused, like a cave)
Dialga - On top of a cave
Palkia - On top of a cave
Giritina - Alternate reality (Accessed from inside a cave)

I think it's a safe bet to say they're in a cave.

Also, you need to give us more that one sentence and 'p0st ur th0rts derp'.
Not neccessarily. I said that as am example.

My thoughts:
None so far. That's why I made this thread. So people would say themselves.
I think they will be found in Black City/White Forest and NOT in a cave for once.
I think you capture them in a castle in both games because a video showed zekrom and reshiram awakning in a castle with team plasma's symble on a wall it also showed a blue royal carpet and a throne. It all makes sence team plasma, knights, king, castle, crown. Here are the pictures of the legends awakning just look at the backround its looks like a castle.
If anyone steals these pictures i will report you, so please don't:)


I agree that caves have been overdone. It's about time the legendaries had some other form of "lair". I agree with the castle theory. On the Isshu map, there's that multi-coloured castle thing near the top-centre of the region. I originally thought that the whole area was to be the location of Black City OR White Forest (depending on the version), but there is a castle in the middle. As a result I think the area outside the castle is BC/WF and the castle in the middle is the castle where the legendary(s) can be found. There is something significant about these version-exclusive areas after all...
no more caves!
and i still dont like the idea of them being resurected from a fossil:
one the bones are all mixed up and we cant tell what it really is
and two- if the pokemons of yin and yang were either both dead or one of them was dead, then wouldnt the universe be in chaos?
my opinion= the bones are that of the third box legend who is either dark/dragon or ice/dragon or grass/dragon, this legendary is the pokemon of chaos and team plasma wants to revive the pokemon of chaos who was defeated by the combined powers of zek and resh a thousand years ago(give or take, just an estimate) and use the chaos dragon's power to make reshiram and zekrom(who are the only ones who can defeat team plasma) fight eachother, distracting them, so they can use the power of the third legend and/or the crown artifact, to free trainers pokemon. and in the final battle against tp, you can only use the version mascot to fight the chaos dragon, because your own pokemon have been temporarily released
It would be just like Cyrus with in Dimond and Pearl Ver. Personaly, I would not want to see that in BW. It just dosen't give that much,as I call it, zest to the game. I want it to be like HGSS when you meet them in battle. THAT would be awesome.
The electro-magnetic cave screams zekrom. I hope that there is something at each mountain range for each legendary( each on a different mountain). But there should be one universal castle for the third legendary.
^Yeah, maybe Zekrom's cave can only be acsessed from White Forest. And for White, Reshiram's cave will be at Black City. Because we are 99% sure the legends have something to do with the version exclsive places, and the blue-ish-outlined rocks that float most likely (like 90%) have something to do with Zekrom. Therefore, I think the caves holding the legends will be located (the caves) at the version exclusive places.
For Black City and White Forest having anything to do with them I only see that happening if you trade Reshiram to White and Zekrom to Black then heading to those places for something special. When you actually find them I think they'll be in that castle-like place as seen in early pics and the commercial.
Try to slay it.They shall possibly try to slay it however the main character cheren as well as belle crushes those hopes thus forcing the leader to face the main trainer in a triple battle with two grunts against the main character as well as cheren and belle.
^I can see a triple battle happening, but slaying it-no way. This is a CHILDREN'S game. They wouldn't include something like that.

Anyway, I think that the fossil will be resurrected, ReshiZek will rampage to Black City/White Forest, hoping to make it more natural (in Black), or more technological (in White). It then goes to you to stop them, as always.
Do you know where we should catch them?

In the Sky. That's right, the final event's backdrop is the entirety of Isshu. Epic.

How that would work, however...god knows.
Reshiram in hell.
Zekrom in heaven.

Hence lightning and fire.

Im not using hell as a cursing word. ._.

I don't think they would incorporate hell in a children's game, but I wouldn't be surprised to see something similar to hell.