How to deal with Archeops

OU Pokemon

Aspiring Trainer
Hello people, I have been reading threads and I am here today to inform you that Archeops is not game-breaking or broken, because if you look at the card closely, it has a high
retreat cost of 2, its attack needs 3 energies and only deals 60 damage, and it has a weakness to {G}, which brings me to my main point. Archeops has a very powerful ability indeed, but it also says that you can't evolve your Pokemon as well, so that means that both players can't evolve their Pokemon. My one Pokemon that will counter it is Virizion from the Red Collection set. First of all, it can't evolve, which means that it won't be affected by Archeop's ability, secnd, it has an HP of 110 and has a retreat cost of one. And lastly, its attack
will do 80 damage the first time, so it will kill Archeops in 4 turns. while Archeops needs 5 turns to kill Virizion, and also there's good old Pokemon Catcher, which pulls up Archeops for the kill. Now my strategy won't work in every deck, as you need Grass Energy, but a few other Pokemon might work.
...or just get a Yanmega Prime up before they can play Archeops. Once he's up and you've got a Copycat/Judge, you're in business.
If you can get a quick trainerlock you can probably kill an Archeopes dependent deck fairly easily ,although saying that it's a bit hard to get a quick trainer lock just now, the only basic I know of that can do that is Teddiursa CoL on a coin flip. Plus I don't see an Archeopes dependent deck coming up, it'll most likely be a tech in Zekrom and similar decks.

If not, just get your attacker out quicker then they can get Archeopes out and when it does appear, use pokemon catcher and try to knock it out in one hit.
TBH, I don't really see Archeops as very much of a threat... The reason for believing so, lays in the fact that you'll most likely bypass its ability with Rare Candy, rendering this fossil useless in a meta of stage 2s. It could be used as a Bearplume-counter though;)
I don't think there will be too much Archeops seeing play due to the fact that it's so hard to get out in the first place.
I didn't realize it was a Stage two -_- Alright, forget that idea. Maybe as a tech in some decks that fall apart to evo decks? It still won't see so much play. Maybe in Zekrom, that's it.
Oh, I get it now. Not so great then. But maybe with Research Records it could happen. Still, it just got worse than I thought it was :p
I like how they changed the Fossil mechanic cause that way it makes Archeops harder to get out in play sooner and it gives decks like BearPlume or anything running Vileplume or Gothitelle a strong chance to win. Had it of been exactly like the old Fossil mechanic of Base Set Era like with Fossil Aerodactyl the situation would've been worse but now it's minimal.
Yea, when I first saw this card, I thought Aerodactyl. That's why I thought it was a stage one at the beginning. I didn't think it'd be game changing then, but I thought it was good. Now it's more of an OK card.
ATS said:
TBH, I don't really see Archeops as very much of a threat... The reason for believing so, lays in the fact that you'll most likely bypass its ability with Rare Candy, rendering this fossil useless in a meta of stage 2s. It could be used as a Bearplume-counter though;)

Although I am not a professor, I believe that you cannot play Rare Candy to bypass the Ability. My reasoning is the ruling from Aerodactyl GL's Primal Breath attack, which prevent the Defending Pokemon from evolving/Leveling Up during your opponent's next turn. The Compendium later ruled this:

Compendium said:
Q. Does Aerodactyl GL's "Primal Breath" attack prevent my opponent from using Rare Candy on their next turn? Or what about using the Broken Time-Space stadium?
A. Yes, Primal Breath prevents the use of both of those because it prevents the Evolution Card from leaving your hand. (May 21, 2009 PUI Rules Team)
I wonder how hard playing fossils will be now. they'll probably be late game cards. I could see an Archeops being popular in a magneboar deck. just cuz that deck has so much speed to it, you'll get your own evo lines out, thin your deck, then bust out with the archeops when you're down to 20 cards left in your deck.

it could work, but in that deck, RDL is probably better.
How to deal with it? Well it deals with itself being so slow to get... also an easy catcher bait. Vileplume stops fossil usage.
just catcher it up and kill it and resume your set up :D

i plan on doing a virizion deck when archeops. just do archeops on the bench and do 80 every turn for 2 energy. they cant get there emboars on the bench and i can just OHKO everything :D
Archeops isn't much of a threat. There is a minimal chance of your opponent getting it out fast enough for Prehistoric power to do damage. If anything its going to clog your hand with evolution junk late game. There is nothing it can do prevent set up until like turn 5.
try T2-4....just play the fossil get the basic on the bench then get it out next turn...easy....
Archeops with Mewgar/Lostgar o_O. Archeops benched and Mew/Gengar up to Lost Zone everything for the win. But other than that it won't be a good tech in any deck, but in case just use Catcher and a good grass type to KO it quickly.
Uuh. Archeops is easily switched with Pokémon Catcher og with a Carnivine with an attack that does the same.

However, if you would like to kill Archeops, in stead of pushing it away, you could use Scyther from UD. It deals 20 damage for 2 colorless energies, which means 40 on Archeops. (Because of its energy reqirements, every type of deck can use it). The good thing is that the attack has a 50% chance of preventing any damage done to Scyther.