Collecting How well do you see Pokemon cards holding up value wise in the future?


Aspiring Trainer
Hi there everyone. I'm a huge pokenerd and just love collecting the various cards, especially sought after ones and promo's. I dive into the game online thanks to the code cards but my true love is the collecting aspect.

I'm curious though what one can expect the cards value(especially the scarce low print ones) to be like in say 30 years or so. With mtg there are a lot of value cards but I've always viewed it as more a gaming first collect second tcg where with pokemon it's the opposite. Plus unlike mtg Pokémon has a much wider merchandise spectrum and has a greater nostalgic effect in my personal opinion.

What are your thoughts? Will the tcg cards likely hold up value in the years to come or will they all become worthless pieces of card value wise? (even Illustrator haha!) Though I must clarify never nostalgic wise :).