BW/BW2 How will Plasma use Zekrom/Reshiram?


Wants arms for Tsu3
Ok, we know how evil teams work these days.

They try to take the mascots and use them for evil purposes

Burn the Earth
Flood the Earth
Screw up the fabric of reality

What do you think Team Plasma will do with Reshiram and Zekrom? How would they "free pokemon" with them?
RE: What will they be used for this time?

Reshiram will be used to create a natural-ish pokemon only area. Zekrom will do the same but make it a city-ish pokemon only area. :D
RE: What will they be used for this time?

Like White Forest and Black City?

The trailers did show some earthquakes happening. Might be true...though i'm not sure how they have those abilities of reshaping the world. Isn't that Giratina's ability? Warping reality and what not?
RE: What will they be used for this time?

No, I think White Forest/Black City are Reshiram/Zekrom's homes. I mean that they will start changing all of Isshu into either nature/city themed. :D
RE: What will they be used for this time?

in a video wasnt there buildings or castles being shot up from under ground?
RE: What will they be used for this time?

^Maybe that happens when the legendaries are summoned. Kind of a side effect. :D
RE: What will they be used for this time?

true true, kinda like kyorge and groundon were summon its starts raining and it gets really sunny out
RE: What will they be used for this time?

liberating pokemon is what they will be used for.

RE: What will they be used for this time?

Erase all the colors lol :p ...

Well it dosen't sound like a bad idea I mean if we let the white light through a prisme we can see all the colors of the rainbow(which actualy makes all the possible colors) and black is mixture of all the colors!! That's from science perspective ... To be honest I don't know what's the point of Yin-Yang!
RE: What will they be used for this time?

maybe tp revives the chaos dragon(ice type counterpart to zekiram) from the fossil to distract reshikrom and use the mysterious crown thingy's power to try to release all the trainers pokemon and you can only restore balance by catching the version mascot and using it to fight tp
RE: What will they be used for this time?

I find Team Plasma really hypocritical. I mean, they tell us to treat pokemon as friends and don't use them as "slaves in battle" yet they go ahead and also battle us. Doesn't fit. But that's probably what makes them evil/annoying.

They probably will try to release either Reshiram or Zekrom so that they would fight, thus destroying the world, and therefore, setting all pokemon free. Durrp.

Well, I got nothing...x)

But B/W did get 40/40, which means 10 for the storyline, so it has to be good. Probably nothing we'd ever suspect. -shrugs-
RE: What will they be used for this time?

Villains are hypocrites? Hmm....
I think they are used to seperate everyone. People will be moved to black city, and white forest for pokemon. Rest of the world is chaos. Wont that be weird?
RE: What will they be used for this time?

Reshiram would use it's fire to burn the land of humans and Zekrom would conge up lighting and with the lighting clouds comes rain to create a new land form humans.
RE: What will they be used for this time?

^^^The pokemon they will battle with won't even be pokemon. Team Plasma will use stupid pokemon like minezumi and the knight bugs prevo.
godzilla41 Well it dosen't sound like a bad idea I mean if we let the white light through a prisme we can see all the colors of the rainbow(which actualy makes all the possible colors) and black is mixture of all the colors!! That's from science perspective ... To be honest I don't know what's the point of Yin-Yang!

Black is a space devoid of colour not a mixture of all colours, White is a mixture of all colours

Ontopic: I think they'll either resurect the version mascot creating inbalance or they'll try to destroy the version mascot to create inbalance.
Maybe there something more about the 2 dragons. Like, they have some sort of ability thats revealed through the myths in the museums. I have a theory sort of thing that 'cuz the 2 dragons are all about energy, maybe they have the ability of breaking the bonds between the pokeball, the pokemon and humans. :D
Non-joke: Their tales look like machines so they might use them to generate some sort of weapon?

Joke: They'll use them to make everything black and white so the world will look like the inside of a manga.
^^Yeah, Team Plasma will use Reshiram/Zekrom to destroy the bonds on pokeballs. Then Team Plasma will take all of the released pokemon and take them to a pokemon only area where humans aren't permitted.
well yin also stands for night and wet and water (which comes from storms so thats how zekroms electric)... yang stands for day dry and fire (reshirams fire typing)... reshiram and zekrom are probably based off the little "seed" of the other one in each, so zekrom will turn yin to yang and reshiram will turn yang to yin.... it would be amazing in the games if zekrom and reshiram flew in a circle to make yin yang.... maybe they will capture the version masot and use it to make 2 yin or 2 yang which in all the chaos will cause humans and pokemon to be split apart< and you have to stop it...
Use Zekrom/Reshiram to help them out by taking capturing all the Pokemon so that the trainers can never see them again. Before that they use some device on the legendaries or talk to the legendaries about the bad things that the humans are doing when catching/training Pokemon or something like that. Pretty much I am guessing Team Plasma is going to use the legendaries to help them out freeing the Pokemon from the trainers so that the trainers can never or not see their Pokemon for a long time.